Prompt 39; Happy Birthday, Will!

150 7 11

Tis Mr. Night-light's birthday today, so (obviously) I must write something. Enjoy.

(Love yal, be kind, stay safe, and thanks for reading =) <3)

(Edit: I know this is a day late, but still, happy late b-day, Will!)

Third person

"What do you wanna do today, Will?" Nico asked, pouring coffee into two mugs.

"I don't know," Will thought for a second. "What do you wanna do?"

"It's your birthday, Solace. You have to want to do something," Nico said, rolling his eyes, but still smiling. Handing Will his cup of coffee, he leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"Honestly, I'm so use to working everyday, I don't know what to do outside of it other than come home to you anymore." Will admitted.

"Hm," Nico hummed, sipping his coffee. "We can go to that Italian restaurant down the street?"

"Okay," Will agreed, brushing Nico's hair back from his forehead. Nico leaned into his touch, closing his eyes.

"What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Nico asked after a minute.

"Wanna walk around the city for a little bit?"

"Sure," Nico finished the rest of his coffee, putting his cup in the sink. "I just have to shower real quick, then we can leave." He hugged Will from behind, putting his head on his shoulder.

"Okay," Will turned in Nico's arms and kissed his forehead then gave him a peck on his lips. "Go shower," he whispered. Nico smiled and kissed him again before heading back upstairs.

Later, they walked hand in hand down the streets of downtown Manhattan after parking nearby by a CVS. Nico watched as Will window shopped, pointing at all of the things he saw that he thought were cool or interesting.

Eventually they came across a pet shop and Will stopped. Nico was about to ask what was wrong when Will pointed through the window to a golden retriever puppy in a little wooden play pen.

"Will, no." Nico shook his head.

"Nico, yes." Will turned his head to look back at his fiancé, his hands still pressed against the cool glass of the window.


"But look at him, Neeks," Will stretched out his words. He pulled Nico to the glass next to him pointing at the puppy.

"I see him, Will. But no, no dogs."

"Why not?"

"Um, didn't we accidentally kill our hamster?"

"We don't talk about Bacon. You know this, Nico. He was sick."

"Well, yes, but also think about our schedules -your schedule at the hospital. How could we take care of a puppy?"

"Well, you're home most of the time working on paintings right? And you go to the park sometimes, too?"

"Yeah, but,"

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