Prompt 14

379 8 3

I have a headcannon about how Nico and Will end of getting engaged or a possibility of how they get/got engaged so here ya go, my headcannon in oneshot form. Also, I got the headcannon idea from a tv show called 911 Lone Star.


"Will?" I heard a voice whisper as a hand ran through my hair. I groaned and rolled halfway over in our bed, still mostly asleep. "Will?" The voice said a little louder this time, a hand shaking my head this time.

I shot up so suddenly as I came fully, or mostly, out of my slumber. "What? Where are we? Are you ok? Who needs help?" I exclaimed a series of questions to nobody but my giggling boyfriend.

"No, no." He said, taking a deep breath and my death grip on the sheets eased as Nico rubbed my hand with his thumb. "Nobody's hurt, Will. It's ok."

Nico's hair was draped a little over his eyes and a clumpy, knotted mess in the back, and just the sight of his smile caused me to finally, fully relax. "What do you need, Neeks," I asked gently and glanced over at my alarm clock on my bedside table. "It's... 3:05 in the morning." I finished, yawning and trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Nothing. I- I just..." He trailed off. "I- You know how you were making your will yesterday?"

"Yeah?" I said nodding slowly.

"And how we got into that stupid fight?" Before I could answer he continued. "Well... you were right, and I'm ready to make a will."

"At 3..." I glanced at the clock again. "3:08 am?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him questioningly.

"Well..." Nico had a very goofy grin on his face. "It'd be easy."

"Why is that?" I asked, smiling now, too at how randomly happy and cute he was and turned on the bed, crossing my legs so I could face him.

"I'd just leave everything to my husband."

"Wa-" I tried to start but Nico didn't let me finish.

"Marry me, Will."

"Where is this coming from?" I asked, just confused by the random proposition.

"We love each other and we live together and I don't know when I'm going to die or your going to die
-which I care about much more- and I don't want to waste another second not being with you forever and every second we're not married is a second wasted and-"

"When do I get to say yes?" I asked impatiently, putting my hands on his shoulders to stop his rant, but smiling as goofily as he was before.

"Yes?" Nico's tone nervous.

"Yes!" And before he could say anything else, I kissed him.

"Mmh- don't you want to go back to sleep?" Nico mumbled against my lips as we fell back on the pillows a couple minutes later.

"You woke me up and I just got engaged, so-" I cut myself off with another kiss and Nico happily obliged.

100 prompt challenge; Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now