Prompt 15

379 8 5

This isn't gonna be anything special bc I have to go to camp in tmmr and it's late. I'm going to try to finish this in an hour or two so I can actually wake up in the morning so I'm just going to rewrite another one-shot I wrote bc the og is B A D. I present to you.... "Fighting The Wrong Person" Also, I'm sry I'm updating very randomly, I've been busy and not in a very good mental state.

Do you guys want a long-ish chapter updated maybe every Saturday or short chapters every one or two days? I don't think I can do a long chapter every day so tell me what u want.


The almost constantly fighting, happy couple wasn't so happy today. Their bickering was usually in a fun, teasing manner, but Cabin 13, at the moment, wasn't so fun as Nico and Will were fighting for the fifth time that day.

"Can I just have my shirt back?!" Nico practically yelled as his annoyance grew for his Golden Retriever like boyfriend who wasn't being so sunshiny today.

"Just tell me why your leaving!" Will yelled back, blocking his way, his volume subconsciously matching Nico's.

"Hades offered me a room in his palace and I said yes!"

"So you just want to leave?! Leave camp?! Leave me?!"

"I just-" Nico stumbled over his words, but recovered quickly, his voice retaining it's former volume. "I just don't want to be here! Okay?!"

"No, Nico! Not okay!" Will's angry sounding tone was laced with a few strands of hurt, though he wasn't angry with Nico. He was angry with himself.
"Why can't you just talk to me! You know I'll listen!"

Will had started pacing, the shirt he took from the seething, shorter boy's hands, tight in his own. His other hand pulled at his hair, hoping the dull pain would help him understand.

"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" Nico's shouting grew louder, his short temper, that normally held longer for Will, breaking.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Will exclaimed, refusing to raise his voice any more, stopping in his tracks to face the other boy who stood across the room.

"Y-You wouldn't understand." He whispered, his head bowed a little.

"Try me." The son of Apollo stepped closer to son of Hades, hoping to finally get an explanation.

"They don't want me here, Will. They hate me, I can tell, they hate me. I'm a freak."

Will's heart broke at Nico's words and anger boiled, but be forced his voice to corporate. "Who?"

"Everyone, Will! I hear them whispering all the time! They look at me all weird too and they..." His voice trailed off and he shut his eyes tight to try to stop the tears forming in his eyes.

"They what, Neeks?" Will whispered as he finally reached Nico from across the room. He gripped one of the boy's cold hands in his, using his free hand to lift his chin up gently, forcing Nico to look at him.

Nico opened his eyes, which were filled with tears threatening to spill and race down his face. "They call me names, Will." He finished. "They call me a fag and talk about how the world would be so much better if I just went to hell. They- they said I deserve to go to hell, and it's not that they're wrong, I just never thought I'd have to hear it out loud."

Will didn't realize that his free hand was clenched in a tight fist, his nails drawing blood from his palm or that he was crying. The boy just knew that he was angry and that he would kill the kids who hurt his boyfriend that had been through way too much shit at such a young age.

"W-Will?" Nico asked, his expression a little scared, tears staining his pale cheeks.

"Hm?" Will hummed in reply shaking his head a little to clear the plans of murder brewing in his mind.

"Are- Are you mad?"

"Yes." Will deadpanned. "But at those... kids. Definitely not at you, you did absolutely nothing wrong. And you most definitely do not deserve to go to hell." His voice shook with fury as wiped the tears away from the smaller boy's cheeks with his thumb.

"Now exactly who did this to you? I need to go kill them... Or at least flip them off because Chiron might not want dead campers showing up around campus."

Just then a new realization dawned on Nico as he laughed a little at his boyfriends words. Will really cared about him and Nico couldn't leave him, no matter what anyone said. He loved Will with all of his black little broken heart.

100 prompt challenge; Solangelo OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz