Prompt 7

503 9 9

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I had a bunch of stuff going on but ima write another prompt right after this one. Sry if this isn't that good.

This is the prompt (headcannon) but ima write it a little different

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This is the prompt (headcannon) but ima write it a little different.


I stabbed and ducked as Percy defended my attacks. Sword practicing with Percy was always a challenge and that's why I liked it. I was tempted to raise skeletons but I was already tired and I didn't feel like angering Will.

"Y-You ok there, Nico?" Percy breathed out deflecting another one of my attacks.

"Fine." I grunted as I parried and swung again. Percy did a weird dance like move, twisting my sword out of my hand, causing it to clatter to the sandy arena floor. I groaned in defeat, smiling slightly.

I shook hands with Percy and made a beeline for my water on the bleachers. Sweat dripped from my nose as I swallowed a gulp a water and wiped my face with my shirt.

"Hey, Perce?" I asked as Percy came back over from the water fountain. He nodded so I continued. "You know where Will is?"

Percy smirked but didn't say anything. "I think he's on lunch break." 

"Ok, thanks." I mumbled a goodbye and made my way to the pavilion.


I was just sat down with my salad when a cheerleader looking girl sauntered up to me. She wore a hot pink too short short skirt and a black crop top. I was thank full she wore a bathing suit underneath. "Hey..." she drawled smiling and batting her eyelashes. 

I just gave her a small smile back, eating a bite of my food. I haven't eaten all day, cause of being stuck in the infirmary, so at that moment I didn't care if that was rude.

The girl started twisting a piece of hair around her finger, puffing out her lipstick covered lips a little. "I was hoping you could give me a tour." She paused as I just looked at her blankly. "Of the camp?" Her voice was a bit high pitched and girlish. I don't really get annoyed by people, but this girl was annoying.

"Do you mind if I eat my food?" I asked as politely as I could. I didn't want to be mean but I was hungry and tired and I wanted to see Nico.

"Yeah!" The girl chirped dropping her tray next to me. Not what I meant. "Umm-"

"So what's your name?" She asked, cutting me off, batting her eyelashes and putting her hand on my arm.


"I'm Elaine. So are you single?"

"No, I'm-"

"You wanna go on a date tomorrow? You're really hot, you know." I'm the son of Apollo, the god of the Sun- Ohh... that's not what she meant.

"Um, I'm g-"

"You could give me a tour, too." She cut me off again, starting to lean more into me. "Not just of the camp." She whispered the last part.

I felt my face go warm and I tried to scoot away but she just scooted with me. "I- I don't- I'm in a relationship!" I managed to get out.

"Oh." Elaine said with a wave of her hand. "What's that matter?" Anger flared inside me but I took a deep breath.

"My boyfriend." I spoke, a layer of ice coating my tone. Alanine didn't seem phased by it at all. "Why not have a girlfriend, too?"


"Hey... Will." Nico's voice sounded behind me. I turned around startled and realized how suspicious this might look. "Nico!" Elaine's head whipped around and she glared at the pale, shirtless boy. He was dripping in sweat and his shirt draped over his shoulder. He looked hot. I tried not to stare too much and focused on getting myself out of this.

I stood up and walked over to him, putting my arm around his shoulders. "As I said Elaine," I started. "I'm in a relationship." At this Nico seemed to understand and with his sword-free hand he pulled me down by the front of my shirt, smashing his lips onto mine. I kissed him back for what seemed like ages, but I knew was only a few seconds.

When we broke apart we were both smiling, and turned back to the girl wearing too much makeup. She looked disgusted and turned quickly on her high heels, walking away. Everyone else in the Pavilion looked over for a few seconds, some smiling, some shrugging, but quickly went back to their food and conversation.


Will turned to me again, this time a goofy smirk on his lips. His freckles seemed to dance on his face as the golden hair falling in front of it casted shadows in just the right places.

"Jealous?" He whispered.

"Always." I answered pulling him back once more.

Ik the pov change was very unnecessary but I wanted to so I did. This turned out a little better than I expected so I hope you liked it. <3 Peace! :)

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