Prompt 24

287 5 7

This is.... honesty. If you read my other book Venting With Oneshots, the last vent (as of December 1st, 2022) you'll know what I mean. Hopefully I can have this posted within the next couple days, if not tonight. Thank you for reading, I hope you like it.

Stay safe, be kind, and I love you guys. <3

Third Person

Will ripped a hand harshly through his hair. He couldn't figure out what was going on in his head. It was like it was running so fast, but moving so slow and he couldn't keep up.

Nico liked to say that Will would have 17 tabs open with 50 of them frozen and music coming from five unknown locations. It just wasn't funny this time.

This time, everything was crashing, tumbling and burning over itself. Someone had poured coffee on the server of Will's brain and panic ripped through him, trying to repair what couldn't be fixed. He was too damaged. He would have to be replaced.

Except nothing was actually wrong. No one had poured anything on anything. It was all just a trick of Will's mind.

'Phantom Panic,' Will thought, the adhd taking over. He named the weird conflict in his mind, imagining the experience of feeling the pain of an amputated limb. 'Instead of Phantom Pain, Phantom Panic because I only feel like the walls are closing in.'

The thought soothed his mind until his thoughts ran back to the other burning mess.

A hand waved in front of Will's eyes, dragging him by the ear out of his mind. "Hey?" Nico greeted, question tinging the end of his tone. His eyebrows were furrowed in worry, concern lingering in the light of his eyes.

"Hm?" Will hummed, trying to focus back on reality.

"Are you ok?" The pale boy twisted in his cross legged position. The bed the couple sat on rose and dipping as he moved. Will sat up too, leaning against the cold light grey wall of their bedroom to face his boyfriend.

Will's lips formed the shape of a word, but switched to the truth before he spoke. "Ye—I..." The blonde sighed, trying to quiet the tingling in his nerves and willing the shaking to stop. "No."

Nico looked a tad taken aback by the blunt confession, but recovered quickly. He was used to Will being okay, despite the anxiety, and always trying to look on the bright side. Everybody has feelings, though and no one can be perfect all the time.

"Do you want a hug?" Though Nico wasn't always the most 'touchy' person, he did enjoy his sister's and his boyfriend's hugs. He knew they comforted Will as much they did him. Maybe even more, given the often chokehold stress has on him.

Will nodded, frustration and anxiety filled tears starting to well in his eyes. He blinked hard as he leaned forward, arms outstretched, to try to keep them from spilling, only half successful.

Nico's arms wrapped tightly around Will's torso, his hands splayed on his mid back. He snuggled his head into his sweater, content. Will's chin rested on the mop of Nico's hair. The telltale sound of the taller boy's deep breathing filled the air as he tried to calm his pulse.

They stayed like that, simply holding each other, for what seemed like years. Will pulled away first, finally calm... calmer at least. Worries still nagged his mind. Though he could decipher them now, unlike before.

"Better?" Nico asked, his arms still under Will's, supporting him. Will nodded, not exactly surprised he felt kinda sorta grounded again. Nico seemed to do that to him.

Nico nodded, half satisfied. "What's going on in your head, Sunshine?" He purposefully used what seemed to be Will's favorite nickname as another way to help him. A small sad smile hinted the corners of his lips.

"I don't know," Will answered truthfully. "I just feel like everything is tumbling down and I can't stop it. I'll try. Running around like an idiot going back and forth between things, ADHD and all. But I feel like even the tiniest things are unfixable."

Nico watched his boyfriend intently as he dumped out his feelings. "I'm sorry," Will added after Nico didn't speak. "I'm rambling... it's just... ugh! I don't even know anymore..." Will's tone was whiny as he dug his head in his hands, wishing he could disappear.

He tensed when warm arms wrapped tightly around him, but almost immediately melted into into them.

The black-haired boy rested his forehead on Will's shoulder. "Just try to forget... and when you can figure out whatever is going on, I can help. I'm here for you, Will."

Will rested his head on his boyfriends in their little side hug situation. "Thank... thank you, Neeks. I don't deserve you, but I will always be here for you, too. Whether you need me or not."

"I will always need you," Nico whispered. A small smile grew on Will's lips from the words. A warm fuzzy feeling finally calmed him as butterflies fluttered in his stomach.

"And me you. I love you, Nico." Will planted a kiss on the top of the other boy's messy hair.

"I love you, too." Nico let a breath of content, moving in his spot to kiss his boyfriend properly. The kiss was short and sweet, but it said everything words couldn't.

It's going to be okay. Will finally believed the words that always seemed so fake. He felt calm for the first time in a long time.

Before he knew it, his eyes were drooping and Nico leaned in for one last kiss. "We should go to bed." He mumbled pulling away, going to turn off the lights.

"Ok..." Will wanted to say more, felt like he need too, but he couldn't find the right words. He settled for a quick peck on Nico's lips as he laid back down on their mattress. He smiled at Will, turning off his lamp, then snuggling up against his side.

"I love you," Will whispered into the dark, figuring Nico was asleep.

"I love you too..." Nico's voice was barely audible. It was either his actual tone or Will just falling more into a deep slumber. Either way, they both slept with smiles on their faces.

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