Prompt 9

481 11 11

"Fight" ok ok, Ik the last one had them fighting but I saw this and had an idea. I'm sry. Nico is in his own room in the infirmary btw. (Swear warning)

3rd Person, Cause Why Not?

"Really?!" Will slammed the new bandages he was sorting back in the box. "Anyone else could have gone on that quest! But you were reckless and  volunteered! You just got better, Nico! And Jason said that you tried to raise your whole stupid freaking army of skeletons before you collapsed! After shadow traveling!" Will sighed angrily, trying to calm himself so he didn't wake the other patients on the other side of the closed door. He had a feeling he already had though. "Hades-You could've died, Nico!"

"I was trying to help!" Nico shouted back, scowling, not worrying or caring about waking or disturbing the other campers. "Which is something you wouldn't understand, you just sit in here all day like a coward!"

The moment Nico said this and saw the hurt paint the angry, but caring look in Will's summer-sky blue eyes, he knew he'd gone to far.

"Wil-" Nico tried, but Will just turned around quickly and went back to cleaning and restoring Nico's room. Nico would've gotten up, comfort Will, kiss him to apologize even, but he'd burnt himself out so much he could barely stand up straight.

Despite this, Nico still tried to at least sit up on his cot, wincing from the pain shooting through his torso. "Will?" Nico's voice was an octave higher as he fought back tears of pain. "I'm sorry. I was angry. I didn't mean it." Will kept his back turned and said nothing.

Fuck this. Nico thought forcing back the blankets and setting his feet on the ground. He took a total of two steps before he crumpled to the ground in pain and exhaustion.

"Nico!" Will exclaimed when he heard footsteps then an agonizing thud. He picked Nico off the ground carefully, carrying him bridal style. "Are you ok?" Nico nodded in reply.

"I'm sorry, Will. I shouldn't have said that." Nico whispered as Will gently settled him back down.

"It's ok. I didn't mean to start a fight." Will tried for a smile, but it came as small and sad. Nico shut his eyes tight and shook his head.

"No, it's not ok, Will. I..." his voice trailed off. "I don't have an excuse. I'm... I'm just sorry. You're one of the bravest people I know."

Will smiled a little more, not so sadly. They sat there for a few minutes in a somewhat comfortable silence. Nico on the infirmary cot, his chin placed on his knees, arms wrapped around his legs, Will on the ground in front of the cot, his hand on Nico's back.

Will finally went to get up to leave after saying goodnight to his boyfriend when the the clock read 10:00 pm. He only stopped in his tracks when a barely audible voice spoke from behind him.

"Stay with me?" Nico had the navy blue blanket at his shoulders and he looked scared. Scared to fall asleep. Which he was indeed. The dreams that were supposed to comfort you in a peaceful sleep were nightmares of the hell that he had had to walk through and were most definitely anything but comforting and peaceful.

Will smiled, his face glowing slightly, all of the doubts and angry thoughts from earlier completely fading away. "Of course." He whispered, quietly stepping out of his shoes and tucking his socks inside them, then placing them next to the door.

Nico scooted over as Will brought another blanket from the closet to make room on the small cot. Nico hugged the son of Apollo close, Will doing the same to the son of Hades, their legs becoming tangled. Nico breathed in, burying his head into Will's chest. He smelt of medicine, his vanilla deodorant, pine, and strawberry shampoo.

Will kissed Nico's forehead softly and sighed in content. He didn't care when his arm started to hurt after Nico's head rested on it for so long or when he hugged him a little too tightly. He was just happy to be there, existing he guessed, next to Nico.

As Will slowly drifted to sleep, well after 11:00, his last thoughts consisted of how beautiful the small, dark clothed, boy next to him looked. Finally peaceful in the presence of sleep.

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