Prompt 26

288 6 29

This is just gonna be based off my life now I guess. I mean this isn't exact, it's only loosely based off the situation and will probably never end the way this does, but my friend who reads this (Hi <3) will probably know who I'm talking about. Well! Not getting distracted! Here we go. I hope it's not 10 days before this actually gets posted... sorry about that by the way. But! I love you guys, stay safe, and be kind! <3

Thank you for reading!

-Callie (ONLY 5 DAYS!!! WHOOHOO)

Trigger warning: making out

Third person, 'cause why not:

Best friends since elementary. That's what Nico and Will were. So why did Nico feel like this? Why was there a shock every time Will touched him? Even with just a slight brush of their shoulders, Nico shivered.

Will's eyes hypnotized Nico, too. They were like deep pools of ice-blue water, with specks of darker blue shining in spots when the light blessed the orbs just right. They were beautiful. He loved his slightly crooked grin and the musical sound of his laugh, too.

"Neeks?" The very person Nico had been thinking about feature by feature, broke him from his thoughts. He shook his head to clear the remaining fuzz.


"Were you paying attention?" The corners of Will's lips hinted an amused smile. Nico shook his head, trying to keep the burning blush from creeping further up his neck. "Well, we're doing notes." Nico interrupted his friend with a groan, causing him to laugh lightly in response.

"I know, but you have to get out your Chromebook. To google classroom, my friend!" Nico laughed at Will's weird enthusiasm, amused but also slightly hurt by the word friend. He hated how much it stung. He knew it shouldn't, but he couldn't help it.

I shouldn't be allowed to think, Nico thought silently, opening his school-issued Chromebook.
(A/N- sry- Ik these suck- but is that the right term? Or is it just school Chromebook?)
He reached down to grab his headphones from his bag, deciding music would calm his mind enough to get his brain to shut up and work done.

He noticed the way Will's hair hung so perfectly in his face, fluffy and curly like his Dad's. Nico had only met Apollo a couple of times. He worked most hours of the day 24/7 and spent a lot of time at bars playing with his band. Will loved his father even though he never saw him often and he was slightly selfish.

Though, after a big car accident, the two boys noticed Apollo's "ego" shrink and he started to appreciate his family more. He had barely changed his hours of work, but he made sure he spent more time with his wife, talked to his son, and invited them to see his band play. Will enjoyed the time he spent with his dad and he would bring Nico to the small shows when he went.

Nico shook his head again to break out of his thoughts. His ADHD was not helping today. He probably should've remembered to take his medicine. The pale boy sighed as he logged into Spotify and opened his Fall Out Boy playlist.
Eternal Summer played as he went to the doc that had the notes he needed to write.

The day kept going like that, Nico zoning out thinking about the blonde hair boy who sat next to him in almost every class, instead of actually doing his work and Will helping him copy or finish whatever he missed.

Nico sighed, for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, running a hand down his face as he and Will started their walk home. He feigned being unbalanced and dramatically tilted his head back, resting the back of his hand on his forehead.

"Will, what is wrong with my brain?" He groaned, leaning on the taller boy's shoulder. Will laughed at his best friend's antics and patted his back as Nico stood tall again.

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