Prompt 4; Coffee and Kisses

635 13 31

The fanart is mine, I hope it's ok! Ik the face isn't the best but Anyways, Google has good prompts so, "coffee". When I got this, i immediately thought of a title so that's why there's an actual title too. Enjoy! :) Also, if you have any ideas or requests I'll do them! (Nothing too mature)

 Enjoy! :) Also, if you have any ideas or requests I'll do them! (Nothing too mature)

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I opened my eyes with a groan, not wanting to wake up. I had finally had a somewhat peaceful night with no nightmares, just blankness, which was fine by me.

I sighed defeat and rolled over expecting Will to be next to me, but my hand just flopped on cold and empty mattress.

I pushed the blankets back and forced myself up, determined to find Will. I was a little unbalanced, given I hadn't been on my feet in 8 hours, and swayed a bit as I went to brush my teeth.

The alarm clock on my nightstand read 7:30, but it was the weekend so Will and I had a couple days off from school. Yay... I thought to myself sleepily, No annoying people today.

The smell of coffee and pancakes wafted up the stairs as I got an old camp shirt from Will's dresser. His shirt was about 2 sizes to big, because of our height difference, so it went almost down to my knees.

I padded my way downstairs after putting on my black fuzzy socks, heading to the kitchen. My wonderful boyfriend was by the stove, humming along to a random song on the radio, cooking pancakes his with back turned to me.

An assortment of fruit and chocolate was split into different small bowls on the counter, set in a circle around a big plastic one, dripping with batter.

"You're making a mess." I spoke, a smirk growing on my lips, wrapping my arms around Will's waist, startling him out of his daze. I rested my head on his back, still half asleep, and closed my eyes.

"I made coffee." Will spoke, his voice sunshiny as ever.  I hummed in acknowledgment and hugged him tighter. "Coffee later, hugs now." I mumbled into his back.

Will laughed and turned around in my arms, wrapping his around me, resting his chin on my head. "Mmm... hugs are good." His voice sounded as I felt his chin move on my head. We stayed like that for another minute until Will had to go back to cooking so the pancakes wouldn't burn.

I reluctantly let go of Will, all of his warmth leaving me and made my way to the other side of our kitchen where the coffee maker was and poured myself a cup.

"Do you want some?" I asked a little loudly because I thought Will was still over by the stove. I was wrong thought shivered as strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back a little and lips brushed my ear. (A/N sry, but I feel like this could be rly good fan art... I might try to do this)

"No, thank you..." Will whispered. I could feel his smirk against my neck.

"Solace..." I trailed off as Will kissed my neck. "Just let me drink my coffee." I whined, but I honestly wanted his touch and I liked the feel of his lips on my skin.

Will just turned me around and took my favorite black mug from me, setting it on the counter, trapping me in with his body and the counter. He looked at me and I couldn't help myself. I grabbed him by his t-shirt and pulled him into me, one hand traveling to his hair.

I had to stand on my tippy toes to kiss him, but I didn't care. Will kissed me back and after a moment picked me up (earning an undignified squeak of surprise) setting me on the counter next to the long forgotten coffee. The counter was much more comfortable than being on my tippy toes and we stayed like that for a while.

To say the least, this Saturday morning was full of coffee and kisses (more kisses than coffee) and I loved it.

100 prompt challenge; Solangelo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now