Prompt 18

341 7 6

"Person A tries to cook Person B dinner, but fails terribly" I'm trying to get this out on time (before august 30th, so in 2 days) I'm sorry if it's not.


"Honey, I'm home!" I called as I opened the door to our small house with one hand, the other balancing two paper grocery bags. I put my keys on the small shelf next to the door, kicking off my shoes at the same time. I pushed them to the side with my feet, as my hands were occupied.

I finally had a good day at the hospital so I decided to get some chores done, like the responsible adult I'm not. I was tired though still in a good mood and hungry. I hadn't eaten since breakfast and even that wasn't much more than a protein bar.

"Nico?" I called as I made my way toward the kitchen, still getting no answer.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I heard my wonderful husband mutter from the kitchen. "Will's gonna hate me!" I heard Nico spit as a tray clattered on the counter. I continued to walk to the kitchen, but slower so I could see what was going on.

I lean on the wall, Nico's back to me, and watched as Nico fussed, trying to salvage an unsalable burnt... chicken? Turkey? I just knew it wasn't edible. There was still smoke in the air, causing a pungent smell, but I almost laughed.

There was also smoke leaking out of the lid of a pot on the stove. "Oh my gods!" Nico practically ripped out his hair as he rushed over to the other burnt disaster to turn off the stove.

"We can order pizza, you know." I said pushing my self off the wall, smirking.

"Will!" Nico exclaimed, trying to hide the stove behind him. "How- how long have you been standing there?"

"Since you were trying to save," I gestured with my hands, after putting the groceries down at whatever was on the tray, "whatever this is."

"Oh for Hades sake-" Nico muttered. "I was trying to make you a special dinner because I know you've been having a rough week at work, but I obviously failed." Nico looked so cross with himself.

"Nico, it's fine. Don't be mad, it was a sweet gesture. I really appreciate it."  I tried to reassure him. Nico looked at me, still clearly not convinced.

"Seriously, Neeks." I walked towards him with my arms out. "Thank you." I closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around him, my chin resting in the crook of his neck.

"Y-you are just always there for me, I wanted to be there for you, but I can't even do that right."  Nico whispered, his lips brushing my skin with every word.

"What do you mean? You're there for me and of course you do stuff right! Whenever I need a hug you're there and your artwork deserves to be famous." 

"But-" Nico started.

"No." I said sternly, pulling back a little just to talk directly to him. "You are there for me more than I could ever thank you for and I'm there for you because I love you. Just talking to you makes me feel better and that's all you have to do sometimes. Even if you need more hugs and rants than I do. You, Nico Di Angelo are amazing and don't ever forget that."

I finished my "speech" by kissing him. Short and sweet, full of emotion nonetheless.

"I love you, Solace. Thank you."  Nico whispered, hugging me again.

"Anytime, Sunshine. I love you, too."

We stayed in comfortable silence for a minute or two before I spoke up again.

"Just promise me one thing."


"Never try to cook without me again."

"Yes, I will definitely be ordering or taking you somewhere next time."

We both laughed. Once we calmed down I got lost in the rich deep chocolate-brown of Nico's eyes. I didn't even realize the distance was closing between us until I was a mere inch away from Nico's lips.

"It's like we're teenagers again." I said.

"We're only 20, Will." Nico said.

"I'm 2 years older than you." I pointed out.

"Shut up and kiss me." Nico cupped my face and closed the distance between us. After about five minutes, my stomach growled.

Nico pulled away with a chuckle. "We should get that pizza now, shouldn't we?" I nodded, sheepishly.


"You're cute when you're embarrassed." Nico smirked as he pecked my nose and went to get his phone from the opposite counter.

"Just order the pizza." I grumbled as a blush creeped its way up my neck.

Oh my gods- I'm actually posting this on time. Who woulda thought? Anyways love yal ty for reading (over 350 reads btw?!? Wth?!?) Goodnight! (Or good morning, or afternoon)

100 prompt challenge; Solangelo OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora