Prompt 35

233 4 48

My grandfather was diagnosed with Stage Four cancer about 8 years ago now and is finally immune to the medication he was on and is dying. I didn't know about the cancer until I was in fifth grade and the medicine he was on to keep the cancer in one area had stopped working. He went on chemo two times before now. I don't think he's going to make it to to March (as of a month later, February 26, he has died. He passed in his sleep at home surrounded by family, so hopefully he was/is at peace), so here is me forcing my problems onto two of my favorite characters to cope. Here we go.

(Edit) Almost a month later and here we are. I'm sorry it took so long... it's been rough.

(Edit) He passed today in his sleep. I will always remember you Pops. I love you forever, and pray to whoever the fuck is out there that you will find Gigi again.


"I'm sorry to inform you, Mr. Di Angelo, but you're husband has been diagnosed with Stage Four prostate cancer. We don't know how much time he has left before it spreads..." Doctor Rivera's voice faded away from my brain along with everything else. I sunk to the floor slowly, my mouth slightly agape.

'This can't be happening... Will has been perfectly healthy- HOW DID WE JUST FIND OUT ABOUT THIS NOW? AND SO LATE?' I wanted to scream and sob and let everything out, but I couldn't. It was like my body just stopped working, as if the connection between my mental and physical being was severed.

'I can't lose him. I can't lose him. I can't lose him.' I repeated over and over in my head. I barely processed the arms pulling me back into my chair in the waiting room. 'We came here for pain in his hip. How could this be happening?!' There was a blurry face in front of mine. Doctor Rivera was kneeling in front of me as if I were a child, with his hands on my arms.

"Mr. Di Angelo, are you alright?" His voice finally got through the fuzz and registered in my brain.

"I..." I couldn't speak. I wasn't alright. Will wasn't alright. Nothing was 'alright'. I couldn't feel anything but a dark sinking feeling. A never ending void of blackness that was blocking everything out. "No. My husband has cancer." My voice was a of choke air, barely audible.

"Yes, he does. But there is a medicine. We are past the point of beating the cancer, as we caught it too late, but we can stall it as long as the medicine works. When it stops, we can start chemo. He has a chance to have at least four more painless years. Possibly more. We need to talk to him though. Do you want to see him?"

I barely felt the slow flow of tears running down my face. "Y-Yes. I want to get him coffee first." The doctor nodded and got up, offering me a hand. I took it, thanked him, and started my way to the cafeteria. Because of Will's job the nurses and surgeons knew me; I always picked Will up on my way home from work if he wasn't on call and some of Will's friends would come over for dinner sometimes.

I took two of the foam cups from the dispenser next to the coffee machine and filled them. I left Will's black, how he liked it, and mine with milk and sugar.  My next stop was the gift shop. He would probably need a little buddy to get him through this. I know for a fact I'm not the most comforting person, so a stuffed animal would be ideal. When I got to Will's room, the coffee and the yellow and orange turtle I picked out were in one hand while I wiped my face hurriedly with my free sleeve before entering.

"Hey," I managed a small smile, trying to cover the strain in my voice. Will stayed silent, staring at the floor. "I got you coffee?" I tried. He kept his gaze on the tiles. Finally, I sighed, closing the door with my foot and put the coffee down on the little table next to Will's bed. I sat down on the bed beside his blanket covered feet and plopped Coral - my name for the turtle - on his lap.

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