Prompt 12

478 6 20

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while again, I needed a break from life and stuff for a bit but I'm back! Hi! This is just gonna be based off a head cannon I saw. (I can't find it or I would've put the picture) Also, I don't care if Nico is kinda taking over pov, but if u ppl want more Will tell me! I won't do these all in Nico's pov tho cus I'll get bored, but chances are a lot r gonna be because he is easy to write.

This is based about a year after The Tower of Nero.


I walked over to bleachers surrounding the lit campfire, and the campers sitting on them. I took a seat at the edge of the bottom, right next to Will. I stared at the fire as the others started to sing a new song, thoughts of Tartarus beginning to crowd my brain.

I knew I couldn't stop it, so I didn't try, and I didn't notice tears were starting to form in my eyes until Will put his hand on my arm, breaking me from my trance.

"Are you ok?" He whispered in my ear, concern dancing in his eyes.

I nodded, wiping my face with my sweatshirt sleeves. "I think so." My voice came out a little hoarse, so I cleared my throat, also trying to get rid of the tightness still in the back.

"Are you sure?" Will pushed, scooting closer on the metal bench, so our knees were touching. I thought for a moment, not if I was ok, because I knew I wasn't, but what to tell him. Will hadn't gone through that "Hellhole" so he wouldn't understand as well as Percy or Annabeth... but he knew what we went through and we don't keep secrets from each other.

"Neeks?" He asked softly, moving his hand to my back and looking in my eyes for some kind of answer.

I shook my head instead of speaking because I didn't know if I could trust my voice. "Oh, Nico..." Will breathed, his voice breaking a bit seeing the tears threatening to leak from my eyes again.

He pulled me into a hug just as the tears spilled over and I cried silently into his chest, hoping no one would notice.

I calmed down, my guess, 10-ish minutes later and pulled away from Will's embrace, wiping my eyes again.

"Shit." I muttered, looking at Will's sweatshirt. It was wet with my tears and he looked like he had split a glass of water all over himself, or got pranked by Percy.

"It's fine, Nico." Will smiled softly. "Your more important." No I'm not. I thought.

"Yes you are, Nico!" Fuck, I said that out loud? "Don't you say that about yourself!"

"But it's true, Will." I looked down at the ground, kicking my feet, trying to avoid his eyes that make me tell him everything. "I don't even know why you care about me so much, I'm mental."

Will put his hand under my chin and gently lifted my face. His face was stern, but sympathetic, and his eyes full of... love? "You are not mental. And I care about because your amazing, Nico and I will tell you that until I can get you to believe it."

A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips and I reached out to pull him into another hug. I heard some of the campers around us that saw go, "Aww", but I didn't care. "Thank you, Will." I hesitated for a moment; gathering the courage to say what was in my head.

"I- I love you." I finally spit out, my voice barely audible.

"I love you, too, Death Boy." Will whispered back, kissing my cheek. Causing my face to go 15 different shades of red.

We stayed in each other's arms for a couple more minutes, Will humming along (badly, might I add) to the singing voices filling the grounds, me with my eyes closed, breathing in his scent, a smile still planted on my lips.

When we finally broke apart, the last of the voices dispersed and people starting getting up with their friends to head back to their cabins for bed.

"Want me to walk you back?" Will asked me as he started to get up, too. I nodded, getting up with him, scooping his hand in mine.

As we walked, the crowd of kids and teenagers grew smaller and smaller, a chorus of goodbyes, good nights, and see you tomorrows, echoing in the night. Our entwined hands swinging back and forth between us, our footsteps hitting the grass in sync.

When we reached my cabin no one else was outside because my cabin is one of the furthest from the fire and because Will and I were walking slower than the others.

Will walked with me up the porch steps and pecked me on the lips by the door. "See you tomorrow, Neeks." He spoke softly. "Love you." I hummed in reply, watching him as he walked away.

Just before he could walk even five feet away from my cabin, I yelled, "Wait!" and ran down the steps, tripping over the last one but catching my balance quickly. Will turned around, a sparkle of hopefulness twinkling in his eyes.

We just stood there for a second, holding each other's eye for a second too long.

"W-Will you stay with me?" I asked pathetically, in a voice that sounded like a little kid's, twisting the skull ring around my middle finger, dropping my gaze to the ground, embarrassed.

I expected a bad reaction, I don't even know why seeing that he just told me he loved me, but Will grinned and hugged me for the third time that night, his arms wrapping all the way around my shoulders so he was touching his own elbows. He rested his chin on my head and breathed a happy sigh.

"Of course I'll stay with you, but we're going to have to explain this to my siblings in the morning, and Chiron if he finds out."

"You're the head councilor, Will. You can do whatever you want." I mumbled in his chest and he laughed.

"C'mon!" Will whisper-yelled joyfully, grabbing my hand and practically pulling me up the black steps.

I didn't bother to change out of my clothes, because I was in sweatpants and had already showered earlier that afternoon due to the fact that I had been training at the arena after lunch.

Will had already showered at the infirmary, too, so he just pulled off his jeans and folded them neatly, placing them next to my bunk, and taking out the spare pjs he kept in my cabin for nightmare emergencies.

My nightmares to be exact. They got pretty bad sometimes, so when that happened Chiron allowed Will to stay with me.

I clambered under the covers, while Will got dressed,  curling into a ball to conserve heat. I held the blankets up for Will when he finally came over and he crawled in next to me.

Will wrapped his long, tan, freckled arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I chuckled a little,  hugging him back. I hummed in content, smiling into his orange camp-sweatshirt, as warmth flooded through me.

My eyelids soon drooped and my heart rate quickened a little, frightened of what sleep might bring.

I remembered Will was with me, though, when his arms tightened a little more around me in his sleep and I relaxed once again, a sense of security filling me.

I slowly fell into a dreamless sleep, Will's scent filling my nose, his warmth comforting me and coaxing nightmares away.

(1196 words w/o the authors note)

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