Chapter 30

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Ray's POV

A few days later, the doctor allows Roy to come out of the hospital, and I'm very happy about this.

That's because all four of us had to stay with him, even though the doctor wasn't happy about that.

When our family left, the doctor told us that we will have to go for the night, and Roy started to panic, so the doctor had to agree to let us stay.

I haven't spent much time in the hospital when I was younger, although now, I have a strong opinion about how much I hate it.

Because someone is coming there with injuries every few hours, and the smell of blood doesn't even have a chance to disappear.

When we reach the house, we take Roy upstairs to his room, and I let Silas and Rey stay with him while I go downstairs to make something for us to eat.

I decide to make a salad, because that's Roy's favourite food, and when it's done, I take it upstairs, even though we're not supposed to eat there.

I'm sure that my parents wouldn't be very happy about this, although I'm also sure that they would allow us to eat there today, because Roy still doesn't have much strength.

I give everyone their salads, and then I sit next to them on the bed.

I guess that we will have to get a bigger bed, or we will have to bring the ones from our Rey's and my room here, because Rey, Silas and I barely fit into this one, so I'm sure that it won't be very possible with another person here.

When we're done eating, I force Silas to bring the beds here, and I wonder why we didn't do it earlier, instead of sleeping on just one.

We decide to watch a movie together although we're interrupted when someone knocks on the bedroom door.

I stand up to open it, and I'm greeted by Carter, Timmy and Mason who are smiling at me, most likely happy that they will finally be able to see Roy.

I know that they wanted to visit him when he was in the hospital, same as the rest of the family, although Roy wasn't feeling very well for the first few days, and we decided that we won't allow any visits until Roy will be out of the hospital.

Roy wasn't very happy about that, but he decided to not argue with us about it.

I let them come inside, and Roy stands up from the bed to give them a hug.

They start to talk, while I go to sit on the bed next to Rey.

Our grandparents don't stay long, most likely because they don't really have anywhere to sit here, and they don't want to make Roy go downstairs.

When they're gone, Roy sits on the bed and he looks at the big chocolate that he holds in his hands.

I already know that I will have to hide it from him, before he will be able to eat all of it at once.

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