Chapter 3

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Rey's POV

I go to my eldest brother's house, because I will have to watch his kid for a while, since he's working, and his mate had to go somewhere for a while.

When I reach their house, I can see that Rhett's already waiting for me with the baby in his hand.

I can't believe that my first nephew is already almost one year old, I still feel like it was only a few weeks ago that he was born.

I take him from Rhett, and we exchange a few words, before I take my nephew and I go back to my house.

I try to walk as quickly as possible, because I really hate to be alone, especially if I'm in the woods.

I would have asked someone to come here with me, but I was alone in the house, because Ray went to the pack house with papa.

He wasn't feeling well this morning, so papa insisted that they should go to see the doctor, although I'm not very worried, because he looked fine when they left.

And dad left very early to do whatever he does as an Alpha.

Ray and I work in the pack house too, and our work is pretty important, because we usually help dad with all the paperwork.

Mostly we're making sure that we will have enough money for every pack member and that we have constant contact with the nearby packs.

That will help us have a good relationship with them, and we will be able to get help if we will have to plan an attack on a rogue pack, which will come close to our pack, or if something else will happen.

And when we're done with it, we help to take care of the kids of the pack members.

Today is weekend, so we usually don't have to do anything, as long as we're not behind on something.

And we don't have to go to the pack training or more like we can't do it, even if we would want to train with the rest of the pack.

I don't think that it's something for me, but if I could, I would have gone there to see if I will like it or not.

Although I'm sure that Ray and Roy would have been very happy if dad allowed us to train.

When I reach the house, I can see that papa and Ray are already back, so I swear at myself for forgetting to text Ray to tell him where I was going.

I don't even think that I have my phone with me, which means that they're most likely worried already, because it's not usual that I go out on my own.

I try to grip the handle of the front door, but the door opens before I can do it, and I'm looking at an angry papa.

I smile innocently, and he looks at the kid who's in my arms, before he rolls his eye and he steps aside to let me walk inside.

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