Chapter 2: Feelings

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"You... like Tsukishima? Why?"

"Dunno! He's not as bad as you think, he's been very nice to me lately too-"

Hinata's eyes shifted from Kageyama to the figure farther behind him. A large smile crept onto his face.

"TSUKISHIMAAAA!" Hinata yelled in delight. The setter watched as he ran towards the tall blonde, hugging his arm and rambling to him. What was this feeling? Jealousy? His heart feels different. Seeing those two so close to each other, so clingy with each other...

He hates it. 


"Oi, king." 

"Huh?" Kageyama turned around to face the human beanpole behind him. Tsukishima was still in his training clothes, holding the extra mop. 

"You've been standing there for awhile. Are you going to mop or should I do everything?" He sarcastically asked. 

Kageyama hates it when Tsukishima does this. His snarky remarks irritate him. How could Hinata be with someone like him?

"Say... are you and Hinata... dating?" 

Wait. Kageyama didn't mean to say that. It just blurted out, how? He let his feelings and emotions control him. The only words he could process repeatedly in his head were, "shit shit shit shit shit shi-"

"What? Me and that shorty?" Tsukishima smirked.

"Not at all."

Kageyama lost grip of the mop he was holding. "What? Then why are you both so... so close! It doesn't make sense!" He gripped the collar of Tsukishima's shirt, causing him to drop the mop he was holding as well. "Do you really think I'd stoop that low? I have no idea why that idiot is clinging onto me. It's annoying." Tsukishima replied, "then why are you... WHY ARE YOU LETTING HIM?" 

Kageyama didn't mean to shout. He doesn't know why he shouted in the first place. He doesn't know where these raging emotions came from or how they built up inside him. 

He was furious.

"You! You shouldn't let him stay around you if that's the case! He likes you... a lot! Don't play with his feelings! Don't you know how hard it is? For me to watch him everyday? For him to stick to you like glue!" Kageyama pushed the blonde away from him, but not hard enough for Tsukishima to fall to the ground. Kageyama death-stared him, his fists clenched as rage was visible in his dark blue eyes. His breathing became harsh.

 Kageyama stormed out of the gymnasium, leaving Tsukishima behind. As soon as the raven-haired boy existed the gym, he was met with a pair of light brown eyes from my left. 


The ginger-haired boy was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, face down. A stoic expression smeared on his face. Was he eavesdropping? Did he hear everything? Was he aware of how much a douchebag Tsukishima is? Kageyama couldn't make out any words to speak or to comfort him so...

He just left. 

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