Chapter 14: Sick

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"I'll be going,"

"Be safe Kei!" His mom yelled lovingly.

Tsukishima left the house, making his way to school. It hasn't been long since he has talked to the setter. Well, that was only yesterday. 

Tsukishima strolled along his usual path to school, while listening to music through his headphones. Using his headphones was a good way to avoid contact with other people because it made him look unapproachable. On his journey, he passed by a few people, local stores, and even, Yamaguchi's house.

As mentioned before, Yamaguchi was in a very committed relationship with Yachi. Meaning, he'd clear out any schedule just to spend time with her. Of course, whenever Yachi wasn't free, he'd be tagging along with Tsukishima. The blonde didn't mind though, as he preferred and enjoyed some alone time.

Although the middle blocker tried to avoid any other individual at any cost, he stumbled upon a familiar face. The mysterious person could barely walk properly, stand straight, nor, keep their eyes open. Sure, he could just walk away and ignore them, but, how could he when they looked like a real-life zombie?

"Kageyama? Is that you?" The blonde took off his headphones, hanging it around his neck.

"Huh..." The setter turned around to face the blonde, "who... are you?" He stumbled towards the middle blocker, almost falling down before Tsukishima caught him. 

"It's me, Tsukishima. Why are you-" His sentence was quickly interrupted, when the raven-haired boy suddenly rested his cheek against the blonde's chest. Kageyama slowly lifted up his hands, holding onto Tsukishima's shirt for support. The middle blocker stared down at Kageyama's black velvet hair, as he tried to process what in the world was happening.

"I can hear it," Kageyama spoke softly.


"The sound... badum, badum..." Kageyama gripped onto Tsukishima's shirt tighter.

"Sound?" Tsukishima waited for Kageyama's response.

"...your heart."

Tsukishima's cheeks faded into a pastel pink blush, "Kageyama... are you sick?" 

No response.

"King?" Tsukishima tried to peek at Kageyama's face, slowly moving his head in multiple directions. The blonde tried not to move his body much, so that the setter wouldn't plummet to the ground. 

When Tsukishima was finally able to take a glance at the raven's expression, he found the setter sound asleep, the beat of his heart becoming Kageyama's lullaby. The middle blocker found it amazing how the setter was able to sleep in such an uncomfortable position.

"What do I do now?"


"My only love..."

The raven-haired boy slowly awoke to a soothing voice. He sat on his bed, removing the cold wet towel from his forehead, as he scanned his surroundings. It didn't take him long to realise that he was in his bedroom. 

"Wait, how did I get here?"

"Shit, did I oversleep?"

"Why am I still wearing my school uniform?"

"You're finally awake?" A voice broke into his thoughts. He quickly shifted his head from the right to the left, to find a familiar blonde sitting at his desk.

"Tsukishima?" The blonde set his pen down, standing up from the chair and walking towards to the raven. "W- why are... you here?" Kageyama stuttered, "ehhh? You don't remember?" Tsukishima placed his palm against the setter's forehead. 

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