Chapter 17: Hiro-senpai

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It's been 4 days and Tsukishima still hasn't came to school; which was unfortunate for Kageyama. Since his emotions no longer controlled him, he wanted to tell the blonde how he truly feels. Obviously, telling him at his house was an option too... if only the raven knew his address. And, texting Tsukishima would be weird and random considering everything that happened between the two. Hence, his only option was to confront him at school.

It's only been a day since Hinata confronted Kageyama. Although they confessed surprising and unexpected feelings to one another, they weren't awkward around each other. In fact, the tangerine even texted the setter about volleyball practice on the same day, as soon as he got home.

Kageyama arrived at school, praying that'd Tsukishima would be here today. He even checked his homeroom class... he was nowhere to be seen. The setter even asked Yamaguchi, but he was unable to give Kageyama the answer he was looking for. "Maybe today isn't the day..." He thought to himself. Nevertheless, Kageyama carried on with his day, surviving 3 classes before lunch.

Once lunch had ended, Kageyama began his journey into the hallway and to his locker, preparing for the next class. Countless students travelled in pairs or groups, but, he wasn't the same as them. He preferred to do things alone, and believed he only needed himself. So, the fact that he was on a volleyball team was a bit ironic.

He opened his shiny grey locker - which was in the middle of the endless hallway - grabbing his textbooks and incomplete homework, as the student's unwanted chattering infiltrated his ears.


A girl's high-pitched voice squeezed through the muffled chatter of other students, causing his eyes to widen at the familiar name. He immediately turned his head to face the source of the sound... and there he was.

The person he wanted to see the most.

Kageyama's eyes glistened at the sight of the blonde, he was as majestic as ever. His royal golden eyes were highlighted, as well as his slender arms. Oh, how badly he wanted to bury his face into his chest, snuggling into his warmth like he did before. It amazed the setter because of how the the blonde could just stand there, and look like the most breathtaking man on earth.  

"Hiro-san?" Tsukishima spoke, a dull expression overtook his eyes.

The raven-haired boy glared at the female who started a conversation with the blonde. Kageyama recognised her; she was a third year, and probably the most popular girl in the whole school; loved by all boys. He recognised her voice as well, but, he couldn't recall when.

She was a beautiful blonde-haired girl; with fluffy, long hair and a fringe. She had a small face, small nose, and small figure. Everything about her was pretty and petite. The long-haired blonde beauty had big round eyes, and, a wide smile that painted her smooth skin from ear to ear. (Please imagine Hiro as Kazusa Ootori from 'Kono oto tomare' (which is the girl in the picture above)  for better visualisation ^^ )

Normal people would just pass by the pair and mind their own business. However, a spark of jealousy formed in Kageyama's heart, making him stay at his spot to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Your drum performance was spectacular!"

"Ah, um... yea, thanks." Tsukishima replied, awkwardly.

"You've gotten quite popular amongst the girls too~" Hiro taunted.

"Oh, really?"

"Mhm! That's why..." She paused her sentence to reach into her pocket, revealing a strawberry-white chocolate bar, wrapped with pretty pink colours. She forcefully handed the wrapped candy to the golden-eyed boy, along with a paper heart taped to the top of it. 

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