Chapter 4: Winter break

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Hinata: We meet up at the park?

Yamaguchi: Yep!

Yachi: See you there~

Kageyama turned off his phone and began to get ready for the outing. It's already winter break so Yamaguchi planned something fun for their group of friends to do. Kageyama decided to be simple and wore a long black outer coat with a white turtle neck sweater and a pair of midnight blue jeans. His parents were out for work - per usual - so, they wouldn't mind if he left the house.

He thinks.

As soon as he stepped on his front porch, the frosty air surged past the raven-haired boy's body. It wasn't snowing, but, the wind was chilly. On his way to the park, he decided to stop by the café nearby to get a cup of hot chocolate.

"Can I get your name, sir?" The worker asked,

"Kageyama Tobio."

"Alright Kageyama! You can take a seat while waiting." The worker smiled, gesturing with his hand to direct the boy to the empty table against the window.

Kageyama nodded and took a seat at the four-seater table, gazing out at the window. There was a little girl with pigtails, accompanied by her parents and a chocolate labrador. The young girl threw a frisbee in the air, waiting for her furry companion to return it back. Her mother giggled softly at her daughter's adorableness while the father admired the two. 

He gently smiled at the sight. 

"...ello? Sir? Kageyama?"

"Huh?" Kageyama turned his head to the right, facing the same worker that took his order at the counter. 

"I've been calling you for awhile now," he smiled. "Oh, sorry." Kageyama took the cup the worker held in his hands and left the café. He strolled along the sidewalk while taking sips of his hot chocolate from time to time. Eventually, he passed by the family that he was admiring from the café awhile ago.

Kageyama arrived at the meeting point. He scanned the location, no one familiar in sight. The blue-eyed boy took a seat at the bench facing the stretched river. He stared out at the flow of fresh water, drinking his chocolate beverage. 

"Oh? Kageyama? You're early too."

Kageyama turned his head back to face the familiar voice. The tall blonde was wearing something similar to him. The only difference was that his outer coat was beige, wore black pants instead of jeans, and, he wore black converse shoes while Kageyama wore white sneakers.

"Oh, Tsukishima, you're here."

The blonde walked towards the setter, taking a seat on the same bench but, there was still a small, yet large distance between the two. 

"I thought you wouldn't show since you didn't talk in the groupchat when we were planning," the raven-haired boy took another sip of his chocolate beverage.

"Well, I'm here."

Things have been awkward between the two ever since that day at the gymnasium... even though it's been 2 weeks. Kageyama lost control of his emotions. He still doesn't know how it happened. Kageyama has been meaning to apologize but... 

He can't bring himself to.

"It's only 5pm. It'll take awhile for everyone to arrive." Tsukishima broke the silence.

Kageyama faced the blonde as he checked his watch. His face was a slightly pink, probably from the cold air. As soon as he looked away to take another sip from his beverage, Kageyama could feel the blonde's eyes fixed on him. As Kageyama felt the chocolatey sensation hit his tongue, he could also feel the little bit of whip cream that was added. He brought the cup to his lap, it was still hot, so, it was a nice source of heat during this type of weather. 


"Huh?" Kageyama turned to face Tsukishima once more.

"Your mouth." He pointed to a spot on Kageyama's face. "Hm?" The blue-eyed boy brought his fingers to his mouth area, trying to feel whatever stain rested on his face. "No, here."

Tsukishima leaned in towards the raven-haired boy, raising his thumb, wiping away the bit of whip cream while Kageyama eyed Tsukishima's finger movement, completely taken aback by the sudden act of service. He didn't even realize that their noses were now inches away from touching each others.

Suddenly, his golden eyes locked onto Kageyama's. Woah, since when has Tsukishima's eyes looked this beautiful? Tsukishima's thumb was still on the corner of the setter's lip. The blonde's gaze would slowly go from Kageyama's eyes to lip, then, repeat. Kageyama could feel his cheeks heating up. The duo froze in that position for what seemed like hours. Usually, Kageyama would push this beanpole off of him in this situation.

But his body didn't allow him to.

"Guys!" A high-pitched male voice called out. 

"Oh, did we interrupt something?" Kageyama and Tsukishima turned their heads to face the male. "Nothing important," Tsukishima got up from the bench, heading towards Yamaguchi, accompanied by Yachi, holding each other's hands. Kageyama sat there, still stuck in his own thoughts, bewildered by whatever the heck just happened.

The setter turned his head back to look at the trio. Yachi had her hair tied up and wore a white-knitted turtleneck sweater with black pants. Yamaguchi wore a green varsity jacket with dark blue jeans. The couple were holding hands, Kageyama assumed they walked here together. 

"Where's Hinata?" The raven-haired boy asked, walking towards the three other first years.

 "Hinata said he won't be joining us!" Yachi exclaimed, "eh? why not?" Tsukishima asked, "he mentioned something came up at home. Did you two not read the groupchat?" She was basically scolding the tall duo at this point. They both shook their heads in response.

"That's weird though, I thought he was the most excited about it..." Kageyama spoke. 

"Anyway, should we get going?" Yamaguchi interrupted, "yea, lets." Tsukishima replied, walking ahead of everyone as Kageyama followed behind, and the couple tailed from the back as the group made their way to the amusement park.

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