Chapter 1: Intro

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"I like someone... but they don't like me back."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"KAGEYAMAAAAAAA!" Hinata yelled, running towards a certain black-haired boy.

"Why are you so loud?" Kageyama turned around to face the ginger-haired boy. 

"We're bestfriends right? Bestfriends can tell each other anything right?" Sparkles formed in the tangerine's eyes.

"Uhhh... I guess?"

"Okay well, I like someone!" Hinata exclaimed, smiling from eye to eye.

Kageyama's expression dropped. His crush just admitted to him that he likes someone else. How? When? Why?

"Who?" Although Kageyama felt like he was about to cry, he kept his composure.


≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"Oi! Watch where you're going, king." A voice snapped the blue-eyed boy back to reality.

"Oh, sorry." Kageyama continued walking ahead but stopped as Tsukishima grabbed his wrist from behind.

"Are you okay? You've been so out of it lately," the middle blocker asked, concerned. Kageyama looked back to face the blonde. Usually, Tsukishima's expressions are hard to read. But this time, it was different. Yes, the look on his face was still unreadable but, he looked... slightly worried.

"What? Yea, I'm fine." Kageyama replied, forcefully tugging his hand out of the taller boy's grip, walking ahead while his head faced forward. However, he could still feel Tsukishima's eyes piercing onto his neck, it sent shivers down the setter's spine.

"TSUKISHIMAAAAAAAAAAAA!" A familiar voice yelled. 

"Oh, Hinata." Tsukishima spoke. Kageyama turned back to look at the two. Hinata was grabbing onto Tsukishima's arm, blabbering nonsense to him while Tsukishima faced the ginger-haired boy with an uninterested expression. 

"Why do I have to witness this? The fact that they're always together irks my soul." Kageyama thought to himself.

He turned back to face forward, continuing to make his way to the volleyball gym. Yet again, the setter could still feel Tsukishima's piercing gaze. 

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"Gather around!" Daichi yelled. Immediately, everyone swarmed around Coach Ukai and Coach Takeda. "3...2... 1!"

"Thank you very much!" Everyone bowed.

"Alright well, this ends practice." Coach Ukai began, "I'll leave it to you to assign cleaning duty, Takeda-sensei." The taller coach faced the shorter coach. "Ah! Y-yea.." Coach Takeda scanned the group of boys. "For cleaning duty, I'd like to assign..." He scanned each and everyone on the team, "Kageyama and..." Coach Takeda continued,



"Good job today guys." Coach Ukai thanked, exiting the gymnaisum. "Thanks for your hard work everyone!" Coach Takeda added, following after Coach Ukai, leaving the gymnasium. Later on, their teammates also left the gymnasium, leaving Kageyama and the blonde behind. He immediately went to the storage room to grab the mop, leaving Tsukishima to take down the volleyball net.

Unexpected love (the star and the moon)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum