Chapter 11: Unexplainable feelings

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"This equation shows that carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight are the reactants of photosynthesis..."

Kageyama was in class, but per usual, not focused. According to his logic, since he sat by the window, it was easy to get distracted. He rested his chin on his palm, gazing at the scenery out of the window, blocking out his teacher's voice. His pupils roamed around, travelling from the two crows conversing with each other on a tree branch, to the butterflies exploring the sky. 

"Please take a look on the worksheet on your desk, as I'll be explaining it to you thoroughly." His teacher spoke loudly.

The raven-haired boy fixed his blue eyes onto the smooth sheet of paper resting atop his desk. It was filled with words he couldn't understand, along with equations that looked like gibberish. Well, school didn't really matter to him. He already decided his career path; volleyball. It's not like he needed to list down the photosynthesis equation to get into the team he desires.

The raven-haired boy quickly became bored of the task infront of him. So, once again, his pupils roamed around the classroom. To his surprise, his beautiful blue eyes landed on the wide opposite window, showcasing the not-so-empty hallway. In the middle of the hallway, stood two students chattering amongst one another.

A girl with short, purplish hair and blue highlights. Big ocean blue eyes, average height, small face and a sharp jawline. She had almost, actor-like visuals. (Please imagine her as Akane from 'Oshi no ko' (which is the girl in the picture above) for better visualization) Once Kageyama had finished scanning the female pupil his gaze travelled to the other student. His eyes widened when he immediately recognised who it was.

Tsukishima Kei.

Instantly, an unexplainable feeling consumed the raven-haired boy. A mix of anger and jealousy. Everytime the girl would playfully hit the boy or, touch the blonde for a long period of time, a hint of annoyance was added to the raging feeling building up inside of him. Although he wore no expression on his face, his heart says otherwise.

"Why is she touching him?"

"What are they talking about?"

"Why are they together?"

This was bad. The last time Kageyama let his emotions control him didn't end well. He tried to breathe in and out, in hopes of calming himself down. But the irritation didn't allow him to. 

"Kageyama." A voice called out, snapping the raven-haired boy out of his thoughts.

"Yes?" He turned his head to the direction of the voice, only to be greeted with a pair of cold brown eyes from his teacher.

"If you continue that any longer, you're going to rip your worksheet."

The blue-eyed boy sent a confused expression towards his educator. He fixed his gaze to his worksheet, and to his surprise, he didn't even realise he was gripping onto it till the point where it almost looked like a crumbled paper ball. 

"Sorry," he apologised, straightening his paper, in hopes of slightly returning it back to normal. His teacher sighed, as she continued to explain. "Anyway, so for question 7 you have to list down the characteristics of..." 

Kageyama pretended to focus on his task, but his gaze travelled back to the same, previous window. Unfortunately, the two students had disappeared. "Shit," he whispered to himself. The thought of them vanishing together frustrated Kageyama. Because who knows what they'd be doing alone together?

He was going to find out.

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