Chapter 8: Missed opportunity

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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"Ice cream? Seriously? In this weather?" Tsukishima scoffed, as Kageyama exited the ice cream shop, holding a cup filled with 2 chocolate ice cream scoops stacked atop each other, along with a spoon resting in the cup. 

"What? I was craving okay?" 

"Hm." A small smile spread across the blonde's face.

"Are you sure you don't want one?"

"I'd have to reject that offer, your majesty." Tsukishima turned around, walking ahead of the setter.

"Hey, wait up!" The raven-haired boy chased after him.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Kageyama and Tsukishima sat on a wooden bench in an empty park. The cold air surged past their skin, infiltrating their nostrils. The setter peacefully ate his chocolate ice cream, while the blonde admired him in silence.

"How long have you been playing the drums, Tsukishima?"

"The drums? Since I was 9 probably,"

"ehhh? That's 6 years! That's why you're so good..." The middle blocker lightly chuckled at the setter's reply. 

"Wait, then why didn't you join the music club instead?" Kageyama questioned.

"Me? Music?" Tsukishima pointed at himself, to which the raven-haired boy nodded in response. "Music is just... a hobby." The blonde clarified.

"Huh? But you're so good at it! Our school is short on music club members anyway..."  The blue-eyed boy trailed off.

"Sure, but its not like I could just leave Yamaguchi alone like that. Plus, I had ulterior motives."

This made the setter's eyebrows furrow. What does he mean by 'ulterior motives' ? How many secrets does his teammate hold? How much hidden secrets does Yamaguchi know? Wait, why couldn't he leave Yamaguchi alone? Kageyama believed that the blonde was always the type of person to put himself before others. Kageyama was once like that too... but maybe, Tsukishima wasn't like what Kageyama had thought all along. Maybe, deep down...

He was a really caring person.

"How's your ice cream?" The middle blocker asked, intruding Kageyama's thoughts.

"Oh, it's fine I guess..." The setter faced the cup he was holding, "are you sure you don't want some? The shop is just right there," the raven-haired boy pointed in the direction of the building. 

Tsukishima did not answer, nor give any gesture as a sign of response. Instead, the blonde extended his hand, placing his thumb on Kageyama's mouth as he wiped away the chocolate that stained his lips. Tsukishima then brought his finger to his own lips, licking the melted ice cream off of his thumb. Kageyama watched the blonde, eyeing his lips, completely taken aback by the sudden touch. Why did he do that? It reminded him of the kiss they shared.

Oh right, the kiss.

Kageyama has been meaning to ask Tsukishima about his intentions behind the embrace. It almost slipped past his mind. How could he even forget about that? He's been spending most of his time with the blonde today; and one of the most unexpected moments that the setter shared with him... was buried within his other thoughts. 

"I don't taste anything," Tsukishima spoke, eyeing his finger. "Of course you can't! You... you wiped it off from my lips! Of course there'd be no taste!" Kageyama scolded, his cheeks turning pink. "Really? I thought it would add a bit of sweetness to it..." Tsukishima continued, 

"Like the day I kissed you."

Kageyama's furrowed eyebrows returned to normal as his pupils enlarged. The emotion of shock consumed the setter's whole body. 

Tsukishima remembers.

"Ask him,"

"Ask him about the kiss."

"Don't be nervous."

Instantly, different voices crowded his thoughts. It made Kageyama think once more, how does Tsukishima really feel about him? He mentally prepared himself, taking in a deep breath and processing his sentence to ask his teammate his undying question; which refused to decay in the corner of his brain.



Kageyama paused his speech, while Tsukishima reached for his phone in his coat pocket. The blonde had received a call from his mother - he couldn't ignore it, could he? The taller male answered the call, muttering small responses of, "yes," and "okay." Once the call was over, he returned his phone to the warmth of his pocket.

"Sorry, I have to go," the blonde stood up from the bench, "I'll see you later, king.

Tsukishima began his journey to who-knows-where, leaving the setter behind; in a dazed state. Why did he have to leave? It was the perfect moment to ask him about the kiss. And Tsukishima even remembered about it! Kageyama cursed himself for throwing away such a perfect chance. 

It was an awful, missed opportunity.

For the rest of the day, the question which refused to rot haunted him. He spent his time, pondering, wondering and thinking, of all the possibilities. The irritating question continued to follow him even when the moon had risen. And of course, the only thing that was on his mind before he visited the world of dreams, was the annoying, infuriating, and bothersome question.

"Why did you kiss me?"

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