Chapter 9: Hana Kobayashi

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Tsukishima entered his humble abode, slipping off his shoes and arranging them neatly on the tiny shoe rack at his doorway. He set his bag on the floor, leaning against the wall, making his way to the kitchen-living room.

"Mom? You called?"

Tsukishima stood at the kitchen-living room entryway, scanning the view before him. Sitting at his four-seater dining table, was his mother, Akiteru, and an unknown woman next to his brother. 

"Who's this?"

"Kei! Don't be rude," his mother scolded, tapping her hands on the chair next to her, signaling the blonde to sit as well.

"What? I was just asking," Tsukishima shrugged, taking a seat next to his mother. 

Tsukishima examined the woman sitting across the table. She had long dark brown hair, with bangs parting to her side. The woman was skinny but tall. However, not as tall as Tsukishima or his brother. She had a small face, with big round eyes and fairly long eyelashes. She was a beautiful, angelic-looking young girl. (A/N - Please imagine her as Kimi Toudou (which is the girl in the picture above) from fruits basket for better visualization)

"Ah, um... Kei!" His brother exclaimed.

"What, Akiteru?" Tsukishima replied, breaking his gaze with the brown-haired beauty, facing his brother who was sitting infront of him.

"This is... my girlfriend." Akiteru continued, "she's here to meet mom and you." Tsukishima hesitated before speaking. "You... have a girlfriend?" To which, Akiteru nodded in response. 

"Uhh, well hi! My name is Hana Kobayashi! You can call me Hana," the woman introduced herself, placing her hand against her chest, as a soft smile spread across her face. 

The blonde took awhile to process what was happening. His brother had a girlfriend? How surprising. I mean, he always believed his brother would get into a relationship first, but not this fast.

"Nice to meet you," Tsukishima lowered his head. "Sorry but, I have something to do. Please excuse me," he spoke, leaving the area, grabbing his bag and making his way up the stairs. The 3 adults sitting at the table, heard a door opening and closing shut from upstairs, indicating that Tsukishima entered his bedroom. 

"I'm sorry, he's always like that." His mother apologised. 

"Yea, I don't think he hates you or anything, don't overthink it." Akiteru added, to which, Hana nodded in response. Of course she wasn't overthinking! She had just met the boy, it wasn't her place to assume his personality... okay, maybe she was overthinking a little bit.

Just a teeny bit.

But not for the reason you'd assume. She didn't mind if Tsukishima hated her, she couldn't care less. Instead, she felt this intense vibe coming from the blonde. Maybe it was because he was way taller than her, and had an uninterested look plastered on his face?

That wasn't the reason.

To Hana, it seemed like Tsukishima was occupied with something, or someone, very important to him before being dragged back home. Of course she felt bad. She hates it when her precious time gets taken away by events that she's uninterested in as well. Other than that, body language indicated frustration and confusion. As if something was crowding his mind. But what could she do? It wasn't her business to pry into Tsukishima's life and dig out all his secrets. 


Tsukishima sat on the rooftop, his mind wandering off to different places. The sun had set, revealing the glowing stars hidden in the night sky which he admired from afar. It's interesting how some of the most unexpected interesting, yet tragic things happen at night.

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