Chapter 10: New term

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A/N - I'm crying ya'll😭😭 The way Tsukikage fanart can be extremely adorable, or insanely unholy.


Winter break ends today. Meaning, tomorrow is the first day of school. In Kageyama's case, its quite unfortunate considering his interaction with Tsukishima from 3 days ago. He doesn't know how he'd be able to face the middle blocker. The fact that the two were on the same volleyball team doesn't really help either.

To be fair, it wasn't even a big deal. If Tsukishima could act normal and calm over a lame kiss then why couldn't he? Truth be told, the fact that Tsukishima remembered and thought nothing of the kiss angered the setter even more. 

Wait, why did he even care? Him and Tsukishima will always be teammates, nothing more than that. 



"KAGEYAMAAAAA!" An ear-piercing voice yelled.

Kageyama turned around, to be greeted with a short, orange-haired boy running towards him.

"Hinata? I haven't seen you the whole winter break,"

"yea... it's complicated." Kageyama shrugged at Hinata's response.

"So how was your break?" The tangerine asked. 

"My break?" Hinata nodded.

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Wha- no..." Hinata's eyebrows furrowed at the setter's tone.

"You sure?" 


"Guys!" A familiar voice yelled.

The dynamic duo turned their heads to face the green-haired boy across the school hallway. Walking next to the boy was their team manager; Yachi. Oddly, Tsukishima was nowhere to be seen.

"Yamaguchi! Yachi!" Hinata yelled, running up to the couple. "Where's Tsukishima?" Hinata asked. "Tsukishima? I'm not sure. Late, I guess?" Yachi replied, as Kageyama walked up to the couple as well. Meanwhile, Yamaguchi slowly spun around, scanning his surroundings, until his eyes landed on a specific tall male.

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi called out. 

Kageyama instantly became attentive to this recognisable name. His head automatically turned to the direction Yamaguchi was facing... and there he was.

The one person he was hoping not to see. 

"Hi." Tsukishima spoke softly. "Tsukishima! How was your holiday?" Hinata exclaimed, "my holiday?" The tangerine nodded. "Well, it was normal... I guess." The blonde replied. "Do you wanna know what I did?" Hinata asked, as sparkles filled his eyes. "Not really...?" Tsukishima answered, "so basically! My mom and Natsu and..."

Kageyama's hearing faded, becoming inaudible. His surroundings became blurry, making the only view his group of friends infront of him. His eyes travelled left and right, eyeing each one of his closest schoolmates, listening to Hinata attentively. His pupils roamed around... until his gaze locked onto a specific tall blonde male.

In Kageyama's point of view, something felt different about him. His hair was the same as before, but, for some reason, the setter felt like he wanted to run his hand through Tsukishima's golden locks. Although no expression was painted on his face, Tsukishima's eyes expressed everything. Even though his eyes were a captivating golden colour, they usually appeared dull. However, this time, they seemed more relaxed. Much more... lively; as if life was going his way. In Kageyama's perspective, the middle blocker seemed to be more mature. As if something happened, that changed his life. 

Although the blonde wore no lipstick nor lipgloss, Kageyama was drawn to his lips. Wanting to feel the sweet sensation of Tsukishima's lips pressed against his own-

"What are you thinking, Tobio?" The setter facepalmed himself. "Get ahold of yourself."

"Kageyama?" A voice called out, snapping Kageyama back to reality. He looked up, realising that the three other first years were no longer infront of him, but now, standing behind him.

"What?" He turned around, facing his group of friends. "Are you okay?" Hinata continued, "you were standing there, being all quite for awhile." Kageyama walked towards his schoolmates, "I'm fine." He responded, to which, Hinata shrugged in response.

"Ooo guys!" Yachi exclaimed, "what's happening over there?" The blonde girl pointed at the large amount of people gathered around the notice board. "Let's check it out!" Yamaguchi took hold of his girlfriend's hands, jogging towards the crowd, Tsukishima followed, walking behind the couple. "Guys! Wait for me!" Hinata yelled, dashing towards the couple, overtaking Tsukishima. Kageyama walked silently behind the tall blonde, as Tsukishima walked ahead, quietly.

The three shortest first years joined the crowd, while Tsukishima and Kageyama stood next to each other, behind their 3 other friends. The group scanned the noticeboard, carefully reading the large, red and yellow coloured poster facing them. 

"Talent show?" The memory of Tsukishima's unforgettable drum performance replayed in the setter's head

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"Talent show?" The memory of Tsukishima's unforgettable drum performance replayed in the setter's head. His body became tense, as a wave of realisation hit Kageyama.

This could be Tsukishima's chance.

"Tsuki-" As soon as the raven-haired boy turned his head to the left, the tall blonde was already meters away from him, slowly walking away. An invisible frown formed on his face, his shoulders drooping.

Tsukishima is always parting ways from the blue-eyed boy, especially during the most crucial moments. Tsukishima would always distance himself from the setter, as if he was nothing special to him. It made Kageyama confused, angry, and frustrated. 

He just wanted Tsukishima to stay.


A/N - Firstly, I apologise for how trashy this chapter is. Secondly, I am suffering from a severe case of writers block😭😭 The thing is, I know how the storyline will go since I have it all planned out in my head. But for some reason, my mind keeps wandering off to different outcomes and plots and blah blah blah and GOD its so irritating😭😭 Anyway, Kageyama finally realising his feelings for Tsukishima omg :OO

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