Chapter 19: Daydreaming

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Karasuno won. 

For the first time in a long time, Karasuno had finally won national spring qualifiers. They were up against a fierce and elite school. The all-time champion; Shiratorizawa academy. Surprisingly, the rising crows defeated the unbeatable. 

The team returned back to the school for their usual after-match volleyball meeting. Everyone exited the bus and entered the school grounds. But to their surprise, the whole school was patiently waiting outside of the building entryway to congratulate the young crows. So, as soon as they stepped onto the school grounds, huge roars of cheers erupted from the students and teachers. 

"Good job guys!"



What stood out amongst the crowd was a large group of girls huddling at the corner and yelling praises for only one member; Tsukishima's fangirls. 

"Tsukishima, you did well!"

"You're so cool, Tsukishima!"

"Tsukishima, is your hand okay?"

Ever since Tsukishima showcased his ability to play drums, he became the burning topic of the school. And especially, a hot topic amongst the girls. For example, if Kageyama eavesdropped on two girls whom are whispering amongst each other, he'd be able to easily identify that they're yapping about Tsukishima. To add on, his good looks, academic record and sporty-ness was just a bonus.

Tsukishima was everyone's ideal type.

The blonde has attracted many female students - some males too - and basically, has nearly the whole school wrapped around his finger. He isn't entirely aware, but, he's one of the most popular boys of Karasuno high.

The team walked past through the crowd; bowing a little here and there, waving to their peers and educators, while enduring the hectic screams of Tsukishima's fangirls.

"Tsukishima! You're single right?"

"Tsukishima, please take care of your hand and health!"

"Tsukishima, did you eat the chocolates I gave you?"

Tsukishima faced the ground, not paying a single ounce of attention to those girls. Instead, he intertwined his bony fingers with Kageyama's perfect hands, to which, caught Kageyama by surprise. The new couple never publicly announced their relationship to anyone other than their teammates and coaches - they weren't a PDA couple either. The setter turned his head to face the blonde, finding that his golden eyes were locked onto the ground. Did Tsukishima's fangirls bother Kageyama?

Yes. Yes they did.

Sometimes, girls would run up to the setter and interrogate him.

"What is Tsukishima's favourite food?"

"What's his best subject?"

"Does he have a girl friend?"

Most of the times, the setter would just glare. Sometimes, giving those irritating girls a death stare. Later, he'd either roll his eyes and walk away, or, make up an excuse on why he was unable to answer their creepy questions. Apparently, multiple other girls approached the others on the volleyball team for the same reason as well. Mostly Yamaguchi though, considering his Tsukishima's bestfriend.


The couple paused their movements, turning their heads to the direction of the high-pitched voice. 

"Hiro-san?" Tsukishima replied, confused. Meanwhile, the blonde beauty jogged towards the two lovebirds.

"You go first, I'll come later," Tsukishima whispered, to which, the setter nodded in response. He untangled his fingers with Kageyama's, allowing the raven-haired boy to catch up to their teammates who were still making their way to the volleyball gymnasium, leaving the tall blonde behind. 

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