Chapter 22: Forever

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Stargazing; an activity of looking up at the night sky and observing the stars. An activity where they could forget about the negative world and escape from reality. An activity where they isolated themselves from their thoughts and only accompanied by the presence of each other.

An activity where they were reminded of how much they loved each other. 

Tsukishima and Kageyama are now in their third year. In fact, they're even graduating in a few days. Many hectic things have happened within their three years of highschool. They fought with each other, somehow started dating each other and even sat down with their group of friends to brainstorm their future plans and careers. Kageyama decided to go pro in volleyball. However, Tsukishima plans to go to college. 

The night was cold, the moon was bright, and the streets were empty. Currently, the couple was sitting atop a small hill near the neighborhood. It wasn't far, but far enough for them to be unable to see the houses from where they laid. Kageyama rested his head atop his boyfriend's lap, while Tsukishima continued to admire the shiny stars. The couple loved watching the stars in silence. It eased their minds and calmed their souls.

"Kei." Kageyama called out.

Tsukishima fixed his gaze from the moonlit sky to the raven-haired boy. "Yes?" He replied. 

"Do you think we'll be together forever?" Kageyama's blue eyes were trapped within Tsukishima's golden gaze. 

"Why do you ask?"

"Just because..." The setter managed to escape the blonde's strong gaze, directing his attention back to the magical night sky above him.

"Hmmm..." Tsukishima fixed his gaze towards the sky as well. He admired the stars and moon from afar, as the calm night breeze comforted him. "How about this..." Once again, the blonde directed his gaze from the sky to his boyfriend, whose eyes were already focused on him.

"As long as the stars and moon continue to rise together during the night... I will love you forever."

A loving smile faded onto Tsukishima's face as he caressed his boyfriend's smooth skin Meanwhile, Kageyama's eyes widened at the words spoken by his boyfriend. As his eyes continued to study the blonde's exquisite facial features, his heart began picking up pace and thudding rapidly. However, a stoic expression was kept plastered on his face. 

Tsukishima admired the setter's gorgeous visuals. His skin, as smooth as polished marble floor of a mansion. His jawline which was perfectly shaped and defined. His nose that was as sharp as a blade.

 And his eyes - you could never forget his eyes.

Tsukishima wandered off into the setter's gaze, exploring the depths and the beauty of his stunning pupils. His eyes were royal blue; shimmering in the moonlit sky and sparkling like diamond stars. 

Tsukishima loved Kageyama's eyes more than anything else. They were majestic and beautiful. Anyone could get lost or entranced in the raven's eyes, almost as if they were hypnotising you. "How lucky I am to have someone as flawless as you to be in love with someone like me," Tsukishima thought.

"Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?" The blonde ran his skinny fingers through Kageyama's hair. 

"You. Countless times."

"Hm, you're right." He softly chuckled. 

There's an obvious reason of why Kageyama fell in love with Tsukishima. Its because he resembled the moon. The moon never asked him questions or begged for answers. It was always just there - breathing, shining, and in most ways humans can't understand; listening. 

There's also a clear reason why Tsukishima fell in love with Kageyama. Its because he resembled the stars. Even the moon in its glowing perfection, who can pull the ocean, light up the night and even kiss the stars... has its craters. But no matter what happened, those perfect stars would always stay by the side of the imperfect moon. 

Even throughout all their mood swings, snobbishness and being a difficult person to deal with... they were always there for one another. And the most beautiful part is that they weren't even looking when they found each other. They have always belonged to each other. Its almost impossible for them to find another whom their hearts will beat for. After all, the universe is a strange place. 

Stardust falls at random and humans fall in love. 


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