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I'm not at all late (like maybe a month) but in honour of Speak Now TV coming out, I felt the urge to tell every Greek Tragedy reader (I'll come to your house if I have to) about the Greek Tragedy AU, BAD OMENS!

It's basically what would have happened if Zagreus had told Noor (Phoebe) about Hell and the Bloodlust right from the start! The story is so different I felt the need to change Noor's name to Phoebe (both meaning light lol in case anyone was wondering).

It's also a prequel to the Moon Knight series, about three months and a half before Steven woke up in Swiss — and follows Phoebe, who was rescued by Harrow and is sent to use and dispose of Moon Knight to find the scarab ... and casually brings Marc home without knowing that they're the same person. It's all fun and games and definitely doesn't have another big betrayal scene yk!!

 It's all fun and games and definitely doesn't have another big betrayal scene yk!!

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Anyway hope to see u there (stream Haunted TV)

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