𝟏. Fate, My Oldest Enemy!

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NOOR DHAWAN FIGURES that fate has it in for her. Abusive household? Check. Chaotic teenage years? Check. Freaking Greek God linked to her? Triple check. Someone, up there, wants to see her struggle. She thinks it's Zeus. He sounds nasty.

If her life were normal, it wouldn't be half bad. She works as a waitress to pay for her PhD in Mythology – guess who gave her the idea – and the other half of her time is spent studying. She knows someone who'd find it pathetic, her being 34, still trying to get a PhD. Not much of a social life, yes, but she never did have any. No, the nail in the coffin that makes her life hell (it's punny), is Zagreus begging to put on the replays for Love Island. She's aware she speaks about that a lot. That is because it's her greatest pain in the ass.

"I so do not care who's throat Brandon stuck his tongue in..."

"His name is Kevin and he just cheated on Kimberly!"

"Whatever!" She turns in her chair, lifting her nose from her notes. Zagreus is pouting. "I'm not putting Love Island on while I'm learning my lessons."

He huffs, visibly displeased. "You know, you used to be nice."

"Yeah, and you used to be a God, so who really lost there?" He stares at her, too stunned to speak. "Exactly. Now shut up and let me work."

Contrary to what they usually show each other, Zagreus and Noor do care about one another. Otherwise, life would have been a tad more complicated, considering that Noor is stuck with him.

This, of course, was not an easy realization. Once her first instinct – thinking that she was having an aneurysm – had passed, she had to come to terms with the fact that Zagreus was real and here to stay, as he said. A realization that came with a gift basket of free tickets to the psychiatric hospital. Her mother immediately checked her in the second the words 'I have a Greek God linked to me but don't worry, I'm not insane', passed her lips. Her father is a whole other story, one that Noor wouldn't handle thinking about, right now.

All in all, Zagreus' arrival turned her life upside down. Her relationship with her mother grew tenuous, she lost her friends, and had to cope on her own for a long time. Well, on her own, with Zag.

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