𝟏𝟖. A Trip Down Memory Lane

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"WHAT IS THIS place?" Noor asks, stepping inside an entirely white tiled corridor

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"WHAT IS THIS place?" Noor asks, stepping inside an entirely white tiled corridor. "It looks like..."

"A psych ward," Marc finishes for her. "That's what it is."

Noor can feel a strong hand on her arm before she even realises that she flinched at the sentence. She shoves the memories deep down, out of habit, before slowly sighing through her nose.

That's exactly what's wrong with her. If she keeps it tightly locked away in a corner of her brain, she can pretend that it never happened. But right now, that's exactly what's going to cost her her life.

"I was in a psych ward," she pronounces softly, hoping to not be heard.

Of course, it doesn't work. Marc sharply turns to her, taken completely off guard. She's half-sure Steven almost broke his neck from how fast he whirled around to look at her.

"What?" he lets out. "You never said."

"He's right, you should wear a sign around your neck to warn people," Zagreus ironises.

"They can hear you now," she feels the need to remind him.

She did good, because Zagreus suddenly blinks in confusion. "Oh, right, forgot about that."

Marc narrows his eyes at Zagreus, before focusing on Noor, because clearly the egotistical god is less important than the absolute bombshell his soulmate just dropped. "Are you okay?"

He has this thing, where he always asks the right questions and it always surprises her. She expected questions like 'Why?' or something like that. Definitely not this.

"Let's just get this over with," she settles for. "How are we supposed to do this anyway?"

Steven offers Noor a pat on the shoulder, before walking forward. "Not sure," he answers her. "How was Layla before you left?"

She almost stops dead in her tracks. She kind of swept the whole 'before you left' under the rug, for the time being. Which, she knows, is typical of her but she had other things to do.

"She's uh... buying me time to get you out of there," she quickly explains.

Zagreus stops himself from saying that she also might be traumatised. This whole not existing only for Noor thing is quite cool because he gets to touch her, but he wishes he could just say the usual stuff. How else is he supposed to be comedic relief?

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