Chapter 38

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! ⚠ WARNING ⚠ !


anyways enjoy 😏

When Harry opened his eyes he realized that he wasn't lying down on the bed like he was previously. 

The first thing he did was look around and he saw that the lighting was very dim and he could just make out the silhouettes of a t.v. and that he was on a couch. 

He was going to get up when he felt someone underneath him and holding on to him. 

He was now getting his senses and felt something familiar and warm on the back of his neck and trail down to his shoulder, making Harry shiver. 

He looked to his shoulder and saw that familiar head of platinum blonde hair.

"Draco?" he thought out loud and he got a hum in response.

He got butterflies as Draco started to suck on his exposed skin and it felt wonderful. 

He leaned his head back, letting Draco's lips now tread up and to the side of his neck. 

He gasped softly when bit down on the sensitive skin and he tried to suppress his noises as he started to get turned on. 

He felt Draco's hands wander around his body and one of his cold hands was under his shirt, caressing that sweet spot that made him absolutely melt. 

Harry moved so he could lean into Draco more and he felt underneath him that Draco was enjoying this just as much as he was. 

He also knew because of the groan he let out and felt him move his hips slightly to get that slight friction.

Harry's eyes slightly rolled upwards to the feeling of it and he let out a small moan and to his surprise he felt Draco's dick twitch underneath him in response. 

Harry wanted him to do something so bad that he was about to start begging him if he didn't do something other than mark him and touch his stomach.

"Draco." Harry said, breathless.

Draco lifted his head to Harry's ear, "Yes?" he asked in a raspy voice, starting to nibble on Harry's ear now.

The voice sent shivers down Harry's spine and he placed a hand on his clothed dick and started palming himself, shutting his eyes at the contact.

"Can you.." he was going to ask but the pleasure felt too good.

"Ooo.'' Draco said disapprovingly as he went down to Harry's hand and removed it, pulling it away with a tight grasp to insure he wouldn't do it again, holding it in place on his thigh.

"No touching." Draco whispered sternly into Harry's ear, "Use your words. Tell me what you want."

Harry bit his lip as his dick ached at the lack of attention given to it but he obeyed nonetheless.

"Can you-" Harry was saying but stopped as a small moan escaped his lips again when Draco ran his fingers along his chest and flicked his nipple.

"Can I..?" Draco mocked, and he raised an eyebrow at Harry who just bit down on his already swollen lip.

"Please touch me, Draco." Harry said hurriedly, his cheeks going red at having to ask him that.

"Well since you asked so nicely," he said with a smirk.

Draco ran his hand from Harry's chest, to his stomach, his thighs and Harry started to grow impatient and he moved his hips and huffed to try and give Draco a hint that he really wanted it. 

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