Chapter 24

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Draco spotted the snitch first this time and it was above the nightstand where Harry put his glasses. 

Harry saw Draco move and then followed his eyes to reveal lying there the snitch. 

Draco reached out his hand and at the same time so did Harry, the snitch escaping again leaving them touching hands. 

Both of them brushed off the fact that they did and continued looking for the snitch, Harry getting off the bed now and making sure to keep an eye on Draco to see if he had found it again. 

Harry spotted the snitch this time flying nearer to the ground on the other side of the bed and he jumped over the bed using his hand in the middle of it to support his weight and he almost caught it, actually touching it with full fingers. 

He cursed rather loudly and Draco smiled at that since he found it funny when Harry cursed aloud when he was angry.

The snitch stopped again almost instantly and it stopped just behind Draco's head, Harry being the first one to spot it again. 

This time he wasted no time getting up and basically sprinting toward Draco who looked at Harry confused and then Harry reached his arm out to catch the snitch. 

The snitch backed up a bit, still staying in the same general area, and Harry caught the wing before he collided with Draco and lost his grip. 

He frowned up at Draco as if it was his fault, which technically it was, and he stared back

"What?" Draco asked confused, as if they weren't just now trying to catch a snitch.

"I almost had it but then I bumped into you." Harry said annoyingly with the same, almost pout-like, frown.

"Sorry." Draco said sarcastically, raising his eyebrows and his arms up in defense.

They started looking for the snitch again not realizing how close they actually were to each other and then Harry stepped away first, still looking around for any sight of the snitch. 

A while went by with no sight of the snitch from either of the two and Harry sighed, and sat down on the bed, still being alert enough to notice the snitch in case it flew by but still relaxed. 

He looked at Draco and then around the room again.

"Where did the snitch even come from?" Harry thought out loud, kicking his feet and looking through the air.

Draco was busy looking for the damned thing he forgot why it was here in the first place.

"Who knows?" he accidentally lied, looking around and then swearing to himself that he saw it while slowly walking to go sit next to harry.

The snitch now hovered over the middle of the bed and Draco saw it, fixating his eyes on it and then getting even closer. 

Instead of rushing in to grab it he slowly walked towards it at first and then stuck his arm out as if it was a hippogriff waiting to approve of him. 

He didn't notice that he was standing right in front of Harry and now their knees were touching. 

Harry looked up at him with a confused expression and then Draco walked even closer making him go in between Harry's legs and he leaned forward, slightly pushing Harry backwards onto the bed. 

Draco slowly reached out for the snitch and when it slightly backed away he leaned forward quickly and he finally caught the snitch, smiling and then looking down at what he did. 

He saw Harry underneath him and looked at him with a bit of a shocked expression, backing up slightly and apologizing.

"A hundred and fifty points awarded to the Slytherin House by Draco Malfoy catching the snitch!" Pansy shouted from the door with her head peeking through it making both of the boys jump.

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