Chapter 31

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Pansy let her hand fall to her side and she told Draco that he should eat, him agreeing and getting up, heading to the fridge where his leftover sandwich from yesterday was.

 Once he finished that he threw the trash away and went to the bedroom so he could change into some new clothes and grabbed his bag for the bathroom before going in there and fixing himself up a bit. 

He finished in the bathroom and went back to the bedroom so he could put his bag away and he went out into the living room to see if Harry had woken up yet. 

When he saw that he was still in fact not awake he frowned and went over to where he was laying and sat down on the floor next to him.

"Do you know when he went to sleep?" Draco asked, looking up at pansy who was sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone.

"No clue," she shrugged, "He was tossing and turning all night. I fell asleep first so who knows how long he was awake for." she said, looking down at Harry for a while before returning to her phone.

Draco's frown deepened.

He looked at Harry and then at his glasses beside him which were just lying on the floor carelessly and he held them up to his face and looked out of them.

"Bloody hell, he really is blind." Draco said, absolutely mind boggled.

Pansy sat on the couch mindlessly scrolling on her phone and she just nodded, humming "mhm" in response to what Draco said.

He rolled his eyes since it seemed like she couldn't have given the slightest bit of care in the world and folded Harry's glasses before setting them down gently. 

He admired Harry from where he was sitting and scooted just a bit closer so that he could feel Harry's body heat radiating onto him. 

He put his elbow on his knee and rested his chin in his hand, using his other hand to fix a loose strand of hair that was falling carelessly onto Harry's eyelid. 

Harry, apparently, moved a lot in his sleep because he scooted closer to Draco as well and put his arm on top of Draco's knee which seemed to be the closest part of him to him. 

Draco for once smiled lightly and rested his hand on Harry's, tracing small circles on it with his thumb and as he was watching Harry's face; he could have sworn he saw his lips curl upwards into a soft smile.

Pansy and Draco sat there in the living room for a good half hour and it was around twelve now. Harry was sleeping when he finally decided to wake the fuck up. 

Draco saw as Harry's face scrunched up showing that he was waking up and he panicked. 

He didn't want to be sitting there when harry woke up in case he was still mad at him and didn't want to see him but harry was sort of, kind of grabbing on to his knee and before he could even think he saw a familiar swirl of gray as well as hearing a loud crack and when he could comprehend what just happened he and harry were in the hotel bedroom on the bed. 

He started panicking even more when Harry started to open his eyes and he quickly let go of Harry's hand and dropped his arm on the bed before backing up and disapparating with another loud crack into the living room.

Now pansy and Draco were both in the living room wide eyed staring at each other as pansy had forgotten Draco could apparate and Draco wondered if harry noticed that he had apparated the both of them.

"I totally forgot you could do that." pansy said breathlessly, gripping onto her phone for comfort.

Draco just stared at the door ignoring pansy, not on purpose, and just really, really hoped Harry didn't notice that they had apparated.

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