Videocall • part 554

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Tessa Rose (online)
Jessica Rose (online)

Tessa: "Jessie, hey!" Tessa grins from ear to ear. "Sorry, I just saw your missed call, I was feeding Carter. How's everything over there in Toronto?"

Jessica: "Oh no worries, it's been great! Jacob and I  hung out with Stacey and Rob yesterday...did you know that they're engaged?!"

Tessa: She laughs, "Oh my Gosh, no way! Who knew that the high school sweethearts would actually make it this far?"

Jessica: "Right?!" Jessica giggles, "I mean, good for them but wow!"

Tessa: "Yeah, that's crazy." Tessa raises her brows while letting out a breath.

Jessica: "So how are things going with you...the baby...Selena...Ian?"

Tessa: Tessa does an uneasy expression signalling to Jessica that things weren't as great as she wishes they were. "God, where do I even start?" She let's out a bitter laugh. "Nikki is coming tomorrow, actually. Ian says she wants to meet the baby and be with him for Valentine's Day."

Jessica: "Ugh, are you serious?" She cringes. "That girl is actually pulling my last strings."

Tessa: She shakes her head, sighing. "Well you're not the only one." Tessa glances off to the side to take a quick peek at Carter who was napping. "All I know is that Ian and I, it's over, he's moved on, I tried talking it out with him, he's just given up. Once the divorce is finalized, we're one hundred percent through."

Jessica: Jessica shakes her head through the screen. "I don't believe that." She purses her lips. "Tess, I really don't. I've never seen anyone look at someone the way he's looked at you. That kind of just doesn't go away."

Tessa: "But I've tried, Jess. I've tried, and I've tried, and I've tried...he just doesn't want me. I can't control his feelings."

Jessica: "Tess, you're not trying enough." She raises her eyebrows and lowers her voice. "Listen to me, last night before bed Jacob and I were talking and he told me something. He called Ian the other day for their weekly phone calls and whatever...and he mentioned to Jake something about financial issues."

Tessa: "Financial issues?" Tessa repeats, confused. "He doesn't have any financial issues."

Jessica: Jessica holds up her hands in the air defensively. "Well, that's what Jacob told me. I don't think he'd lie about something like that."

Tessa: "Yeah..." She nods. "I don't know, I've never heard anything about financial problems."

Jessica: "Do you guys share a bank account?"

Tessa: "No. No, we were going to once everything was less hectic and we were more settled into our marriage. But no, I don't have access to his account."

Jessica: "Oh, shit, would've been helpful to find out if you did."

Tessa: Tessa sighs, "I know." She shrugs. "I can ask him about it, maybe,  but I mean we're getting a divorce...I can't force him to tell me the truth."

Jessica: "Yeah. But I think it's really serious, Tess. Jake seemed really worried about him."

Tessa: "I'll give it a go, see what's up." Tessa nods. "If it is the case, I'll do anything I need to help him. At the end of the day, no matter what our personal issues are, he is my husband and I do love him...I don't want to lose him."

Jessica: Jessica smiles. "There you go, that's the spirit!"

Tessa: "Thank you for telling me," Tessa offers her sister a sad smile. "I just hope he's okay."

Jessica: "Check in with him," Jessica nods, "see what he'll tell you." Through the screen she places a pillow against her stomach. "But anyways, I um, since things are wrapping up over here at home, Jake and I were thinking of visiting you for a few our new little nephew."

Tessa: "Oh, I would love that!" Tessa smiles.

Jessica: "And don't worry, we're gonna get a hotel room in the hotel across from your place. I know that all of your rooms are filled since Nina, Kat, and Candice are all there."

Tessa: "Yeah, I'm so sorry, you know I would love for you to stay with me if I had the room."

Jessica: "Of course," She nods. "Don't worry, we'll be fine."

Tessa: "Well, at least during the day I'd love for you guys to be with us."

Jessica: "Definitely!" Jessica giggles. "I'm super excited to meet Carter and see my little Selena's been months since I've last seen her."

Tessa: "I know," Tessa laughs. "It's been way too long." I'm the background, Carter starts crying. "Oh shit, Jess, I'm so sorry but I have to go. Carter just woke up."

Jessica: "Yeah, yeah, don't worry, I'll let you go. Talk to you later."

Tessa: "Yes, we'll talk soon." Tessa nods as she walks over to the crib. "Bye, Jess."

Jessica: "Bye, Tessa." Jessica waves at the screen. "Good luck!"

Tessa: "Thanks! Bye."

End of call.

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