Messages • part 465

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Selena: hey girl! Heard your in Nyc right now. How about we finally catch up?

hey Selena, how are you? God it's been forever since we last saw each other. But yes I'd love to catch up! :Tessa

Selena: Great! I've been pretty good🙂 How about you?

I've been crazy busy😮‍💨 I'm not sure if you heard yet but I'm actually pregnant with baby #2! :Tessa

Selena: Oh my God! Congratulations! This is the first I hear of it, have you been keeping it secret?

Yes actually I'm waiting another month or two before announcing it. I'm just not ready for all of the crazy tabloids making stupid stories like last time, it just adds so much stress to the pregnancy. :Tessa

Selena: I completely understand. Do whatever you gotta do girl. Just know that I'm always one text away in case if you need anything!

Thank you, that's so kind of you!☺️ I'm actually near Central Park browsing some stores, if you'd like to join me you can! Then we can go back to my hotel so you can finally meet my Selena. :Tessa

Selena: Sounds good! My hotels actually a five minute drive from the Central Park area so I'll call you when I get there and you can let me know where you're at!

Ok great! See you soon!❤️ :Tessa

Selena: See ya!

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