IRL • part 417

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The date is Sunday July 13, 2014. Vampire Diaries season 6 starts filming in less than 24 hours. All of my cast mates that I've spoke too in the past few days are all nervous but excited just like me. We don't know much of what's to expect this coming season and we're so eager to find out.

"How you doing sis?"

I turn my head over to Jessica, I give her a tired smile. "I'm so exhausted...but I'm okay."

Jessica gives me a bright smile taking my hand in hers. "I'm sure that you throwing up in the plane was just probably sickness from flying so much."

"I hope so." I sigh raising my brows as I click the power button on my phone.

9:18pm it read.

Jessica nods as she looks forward. "Sir," she calls out to our driver. "How much longer until our destination."

"Five minutes, ma'am." The elderly man glances at her from the rear view mirror, an adorable Spanish accent seeking through.

"Perfect." Jessica smiles. "Thank you."

"Gosh. I can't wait to just have Ian in my arms again." I sigh rubbing my hands down my face.

"Jacob's with him right?" Jessica questions.

"Yeah." I nod. "And he made sure to clear out the guest room closet so you guys can put your luggage's in there."

"Thanks, Tess." Jessica sighs in relief. "Jacob and I really didn't want to have to stay in a hotel again." She let's out a small laugh.

"You know I always got your back." I wink as she both giggle.

"And so back to you and Ian, what's going on?" Jessica asks me.

I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth putting my head down to watch my fiddling hands. "I don't know."

I can practically hear the concern in Jessica's voice, "What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean that there's something he's hiding from me." I raise my brows hating to have to think of marriage problems so early on. "He's acting...suspicious."


"Yeah." I nod looking up at Jessica. "Since we got married he's been travelling everywhere. I haven't seen him face to face in practically a month. And then Selena..." I huff throwing my head back against the seat. "The poor thing misses her dad so much."

Jessica places a comforting hand on my leg as she rubs her thumb back and forth. "I know. What little kid wouldn't miss their dad?"

I shake my head looking up through the sunroof at the stars. "He makes it sound like we're broke but then never tells me what is really wrong."

"Well have you tried confronting him about it?"

"Yup." I pop the "p". "Yesterday was the fourth time."

"¿Y nada?" Jessica asks in Spanish.

I shake my head pursing my lips. "Nothing. He always tries to change the subject or just gives a vague response."

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