Messages • part 529

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Hey Ian🙂 :Tess

Ian: Hey Tess👋 How are you? How's Selena?

She's good, as always. Getting more beautiful by the day. As for her's been so stressful. :Tess

Ian: Really? What's wrong?

I've been getting hundreds of DMs on Instagram of hate. I've cancelled all interviews from now until March, until the baby's born so I don't over-stress myself even more. And my parents just told me that they're not hosting Christmas at their place this year because they're going back to France to visit my dads family. Ugh. It's just been so much. :Tess

Ian: God, I'm so sorry. Do you want me to make a post, telling everyone to back off?

No, it's okay. Thanks though. I'll just ask Casey to mute those DMs for me when I see him. I don't want to keep adding gas to the flame. :Tess

Ian: Are you sure?

I'm sure. Thank you. :Tess

Ian: Okay. But if it keeps happening, I don't care, I WILL shut them up. It's unfair to you, and our son to have to deal with this stress.

I know. He hasn't been too easy on me lately either. I haven't had a good nights sleep in over two weeks. Plus, Selena's teething so she's been cranky all the time. :Tess

Ian: God, I feel terrible. I wish I could come there to help you out but Julie's been making us stay late nights to finish filming before Christmas.

I know, Nina told me. Must really suck :/ :Tess

Ian: Yeah. But, hey, I know that we aren't together and things have been very rough for us for the past few months but I still want to spend Christmas together. It's Selena's first Christmas and I intend on spending it with her.

Will Nikki be there? :Tess

Ian: Only if you want. If you don't want her there, I will gladly mention that I am spending it with my family.

Heh. I'm still your family? :Tess

Ian: Of course you are. You're the mother of my two children. You'll always be family. Plus, you legally are still technically my wife😂

That's true😄 Okay. Sure, yeah, do you mind letting her know?  :Tess

Ian: Definitely.

Thank you😌 Sorry, I just don't feel comfortable around her yet. :Tess

Ian: I know. I understand🙂 Will Casey be joining us?

No. No, he's going to spend Christmas with his parents. :Tess

Ian: Oh okay. I guess it'll be just you, me, and Selena this year.

Yeah. Our first Christmas as a family. :Tess

Ian: So will you be coming home?

Well I definitely don't want to spend Christmas in my rental Airbnb. I don't even have a Christmas tree here. :Tess

Ian: Right😂 Okay well then just let me know when you book your flight and I'll make sure to come pick you up at the airport when you get here.

I have a photoshoot tomorrow actually, it's for a New Years issue but after that I'm free. How about the day after? Gives us a week together as a family. And then I come back to New York for New Year's Eve. :Tess

Ian: Sounds good. Text me the time that you land and I'll be there🙂

Of course. Talk to you soon😊 :Tess

Ian: Bye Tess😌👋

Bye🙂 :Tess

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