IRL • part 507

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The car turns down my old street, the street of the house Ian and I both shared and bought together even before we got married. It's still technically our house but I only stay at the house any time I'm in Georgia which is rare.

I sigh looking down at a sleeping Selena who was very exhausted from the plane ride. God I was exhausted too. Being pregnant with a toddler is draining both mentally and physically. I still couldn't stop thinking about last night when Casey was leaving Jen's place. He sent me a "Good morning" text with a smiley face...that was really cute. He also wished me luck and said if I ever want to talk to him, he's a phone call away. That was also really cute!

My stomach began to grow nauseated as the house came into view, yes this time it's nausea...though I wish it was butterflies. Seeing Ian only made my 5x more anxious than usual.

I didn't know what to expect.

Happiness? Relief? Realization? More fighting?

God, what's going to happen??

"Alright ma'am," The old man that drove the taxi sighs as he puts the car in park right in front of the house. "That'll be $15.78."

I nod opening up my purse, taking out my wallet. I pull out an American 20 dollar bill and hand it to him. "Keep the change, sir." I give the man a short smile. "Thank you for the ride."

"Anytime, ma'am" the driver nods, happy I gave him more money than the actual price. I always give taxi's a tip, I guess it's the Canadian in me that is "too polite"...stupid stereotypes. I remember when I was younger hearing that Americans thought we lived in Igloos and our money was Monopoly money. It's not our fault we just have manners and our money is colourful and pretty.

Just then, I see Ian walking out from the front door with his usual jeans and grey t-shirt. It felt so weird seeing him again after everything just happened.

As I was sitting in the middle, I get out the door opposite to where Selena was sitting since I couldn't get out with the big baby car seat covering the one door.

The driver gets out as well, going to the trunk to get the three suitcases I brought, one for Selena's things and two for mine since I was going from here straight to California in a week.

Ian walks up to the car just in time as I reached Selena's door. He gives me a tight lipped smile and opens the car door.

I watch him slowly take out her car seat. "She's asleep," I breath out tiredly. "She was crying for most of the flight, I have no idea why."

Ian nods, not even saying a word to me before looking over at the taxi driver. "Just leave the bags on the sidewalk, sir, and I will come and grab them."

The driver nods, placing down the last luggage on the sidewalk. "Will do, sir."

I grab one of the luggage's by handle that was the lightest which was Selena's. Ian starts heading for the house to go bring our daughter inside. I look back at the driver as he closes the trunk. "Thanks again for the ride."

"It was no problem, ma'am." The driver smiles brightly, he clearly wasn't used to people being so nice to him. A lot of the times I just see people treating taxi drivers as if they were just their chauffeurs and basically peasants, it was so rude. I could never do that to a person no matter what was their status. "Have a great day," He waved as he walked back to the front of the car.

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