IRL • part 419

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knock. knock. knock.

"Tess!" Jessica's voice rings from outside my trailer bathroom door.

"Did you get it?!" I yell back, my face immediately cringing as I feel the urge to throw up again.

"Yes, I did." Jessica sighs right as she opens the door.

She looks down at me, tilting her head sort of taken aback on how I'm still throwing up. "Ughh," I groan putting my head on my arms that were resting on the toilet.

"Tess, hey," Jessica frowns as she brushes my hair behind my ear. "It's gonna be okay."

"What's happening to me, Jess?" I sniffle trying to hold back the gross feeling in my stomach.

"I don't know, sis." Jessica sighs, she sits down with her legs crossed beside me on the floor. "Did you ever feel sick like this before?"

"When I was pregnant with Selena," I breathe out.

Jessica doesn't respond back and all I hear is ruffling most likely from the bag from the drugstore she went to.

"Take these."

I slowly raise my head up, my eyes squinted as they felt so heavy. Even though I felt so weak, my body looked like it got electrocuted when I saw what was in my sisters hand.

"No." I shake my head. "No way."

"C'mon, Tess." Jessica pleads.

I look at her sternly, "Jess, I, am not, pregnant. Okay?"

"Maybe, you are." Jessica replies in the same mocking tone.

"Jess within the next 9 months I'm going to be filming a movie and three tv shows. There's no way I can do all that pregnant."

"Tessa, take the test." Jessica demands putting one of the three boxes of pregnancy tests in front of me.


"Take it."


"Take it!"


"Tess, look at me!" Jessica shouts, she's definitely annoyed with me. So she won't get any more mad, I look at her, tears welling up in my eyes. "Listen to me, Tessa. You are going to take these tests. You have been throwing up everyday for a week! Ian is getting worried and so am I." She shakes the box in her hand. "Take this and if you aren't, great, if you are, you have so many people to help you out."

"Selena is barely even 6 months old yet," I furrow my brows, worried.

"So?" Jessica laughs, "Tess, stop worrying about the what if's and the who's and just take the damn test."

I glance at the outside of the bathroom door, the sunlight beaming through one of the many windows. Even though it scared me, I knew Jess was right. I mean, my period is a week late. I've never been completely regular with my cycle so it could just be that I'm late...but I've been throwing up since I came back to Atlanta and I'm exhausted all the freaking time. So, best bets are I'm either pregnant or there's something really freaking wrong with me.

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