Messages/IRL • part 509

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Casey: morning Ms. Rose :)

morning Mr. Deidrick😃 how's filming going? :Tessa

Casey: pretty good. Filming the last few scenes today before I leave for LA tomorrow morning🙂

That's good! What times your flight at? :Tessa

Casey: 10am

Oh so you can sleep in a bit :) :Tessa

Casey: Yeah. I can't wait to get outta here man. With you, it's so boring.

I make everything fun, don't I?😎 :Tessa

Casey: haha you sure do😄 how's it going with Ian?

It's going🤷‍♀️ We barely talk. When we do, there's usually some kind of argument. He's really helpful when I'm in pain and takes good care of Selena but other than that, we barely say one word to each other. :Tessa

Casey: I'm sorry to hear. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you :/

Yeah :( But this trip here just confirmed for me that I can't do this anymore. He spends basically the whole day texting his little friend and pays no mind to me. For someone who was hesitant to get a divorce, he's really not helping the situation get any better. :Tessa

Casey: do you think him and her have something over friendly going on?

He blushes like a little girl when she texts him. I'm pretty sure there is. :Tessa

Casey: Damn. That's terrible.

Tell me about it🙄 I just can't wait to get out of here tomorrow night. :Tessa

Casey: Do you want me to pick you up at the airport? I'm renting a car so I can really explore while I'm there.

Sure! But would you mind staying in the car? I don't want the stupid paparazzi to see us and then bombard me with a bunch of questions that are never any of their business😒 :Tessa

Casey: Sure thing :) Just make sure to text me when you land so I know there isn't any delays.

I will. Thanks for picking me up, you really don't have to. :Tessa

Casey: Not offering a beautiful pregnant lady a ride from the airport? I have manners, you know.

Uh huh okay😄 :Tessa

Casey: And how are you gonna go about the whole pregnancy thing? I'm assuming you're going to wear a dress to the premiere, right?

Oh shit, that's right. I mean, it'll be black and pretty casual, black usually makes people look skinnier but I still think the bump might show :/ :Tessa

Casey: Yeah...that's gonna be a bit of a problem.

I'll talk to Ian. The world has to know sooner or later. Can't hide it forever. :Tessa

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