Phone Call • part 505

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Tessa: Hey.
Ian: Tessa, hi.
Tessa: Hey, it's been a while. How are things going?
Ian: Good. Busy. How 'bout you?
Tessa: Busy.
Ian: Mm. How's Selena? I miss my little princess.
Tessa: Trust me, she misses her dad too.
Ian: Yeah...this has been really hard not being able to see her everyday.
Tessa: I know. But hey, Ian listen, the reason why I called was...I was wondering if it would be okay if Sel and I came to visit you in Georgia.
Ian: What? Of course it's okay! Tessa this is amazing!
Tessa: Yeah. I just feel so bad keeping her away from her dad for so long, you know.
Ian: Yeah it's been hell.
Tessa: Still, we will stay in speedster beds, of course. I'll take the guest room.
Ian: If that's what you really want.
Tessa: It is. And Nikki staying with you?
Ian: Actually, she's going to LA for the week to do some business, then she's coming back on the tenth.
Tessa: Good. I'll be gone by then anyways. I have my movie premiere that day in California so I'll be going to that and I can leave Sel with you if that's okay?
Ian: Of course it is. But, you know, it feels weird me not being there for you on your big day.
Tessa: Mm, well, it's not the first time.
Ian: I know. And I'm still really sorry about the VMA's. I really am.
Tessa: I know. But maybe it's best if we don't put ourselves back into the public eye, as friends. It's still too...fresh.
Ian: Yeah, don't worry, I get it. So when exactly are you planning on us telling everyone about the divorce? And even the second baby?
Tessa: *lets out a heavy breath* Oh God...I don't really know yet.
Ian: Im ready for either when you are. Im the type to just rip off the bandaid, you know?
Tessa: Yeah. Let's just let things settle down first, allow us to get in the hang of this co-parenting thing and then we can let it out in the open.
Ian: Alright. *sighs* When are you planning on coming here?
Tessa: Well todays the third so...tomorrow?
Ian: Wow. Very short notice. *lets out a small chuckle* Classic Tessa.
Tessa: *giggles* Sorry. I thought of this very last minute.
Ian: It's okay. Do you want me to pick you girls up, or...
Tessa: God, no. I don't want anyone unwanted catching us there. Plus, I'm coming back with Nina.
Ian: Oh Okay. Fair enough.
Tessa: *sighs* I'll text you when I land and I'll catch a cab back to your place.
Ian: Our place.
Tessa: Ian, it's your place.
Ian: Oh...right.
Tessa: *lets out an awkward laugh* I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
Ian: Okay. Have a safe flight.
Tessa: Thank you.
Ian: Bye Tess.
Tessa: Bye.

End of Call

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