IRL • part 531

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I wake up to the incredible smell of freshly baked gingerbread favourite! Carefully, I push myself up to sit on the bed. God, my stomach is huge.

Out of motherly habit, I glance over at Selena's crib to check if she was okay. But little did I know, she wasn't there.

My heart starts racing, afraid that somehow she managed to crawl out of her crib and hurt herself. I lift myself off the bed and place a hand on the middle of my back as shooting pains fly down my spin. I know not to get up so quickly, my doctor specifically said not to but in a moment like this, who even remembers what to do?

"Selena!" I call out once I reach the crib and confirm that my eyes weren't tricking me.

"She's down here!"

"Thank God," I let out a breath of relief, hanging my head low as I shut my eyes.

When I'm finally feeling more stable, I walk over to the guest bathroom and quickly brush my teeth to get rid of my morning breath. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and splash some cold water on my face to wake me up. My undereye bags look so noticeable without any makeup on...ugh, I hate it.

I close the guestroom door behind me and carefully make my way down the stairs, holding onto the banister lightly. Once Ian's eyes catch me, he immediately leaves the couch and rushes over to my aid.

One hand goes on the middle of my back and the other takes my own as he watches my steps like a hawk. My foot finally reaches the main floor and I let out a huge breath of relief. "Thank you."

"Of course," Ian smiles softly, not letting go of me until I sit on the armchair beside Selena's baby jumper. She looks so adorable bouncing up and down as she plays with a toy from her little seat. "Merry Christmas," he says, placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Merry Christmas," I grin, biting my bottom lip nervously.

Did he just do that?

I watch as Ian walks over to the Christmas tree he and Nikki had decorated. The tree that he and I bought just a little over a year ago. He picks up a big box covered in snowflake wrapping paper and walks over to me.

"Oh my gosh," I laugh, shocked at the size of the gift. "Is this for me?" He chuckles and watches as I take off the wrapping paper. A picture of a woman sleeping with a maternity pillow appears. "Ian," I giggle, "is this a maternity pillow?"

"A pink one," he nods confirming.

"My favourite colour," I smile genuinely.

"I know how much you wanted it the last pregnancy but never had the time to buy one so I did it for you."

I shake my head, smiling like an idiot. "Thank you so much!" I pull him into a side hug. I then point towards a gift bag I had wrapped last night for him and put underneath the tree. "Do you mind? That ones for you."

"Sure," he walks over to the Christmas tree and picks up the black and gold stripped bag. He walks over to the couch across the coffee table and takes out the tissue paper. His jaw drops. "Tessa!"

"Merry Christmas!" I laugh, clapping my hands together.

Ian pulls out the yellow Lakers jersey with the number '24' on it. And then, takes out another jersey but instead purple with the same number on it. "Tessa you're incredible! Oh my God, thank you!"

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