Messages • part 538

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Ian: Hey Tess! How are you?

I'm okay. How are you? :Tessa

Ian: Not too bad. How is the belly feeling today?

I've thrown up twice already and it's only nine o'clock. I feel so nauseous, it's not even funny. :Tessa

Ian: Oh God. I'm so sorry :/

No, no, it's not your fault. How's Selena? :Tessa

Ian: She's good. She definitely misses her mama but overall it looks like she's having fun. Her and Nikki are actually getting along very well. It's a beautiful thing to see!

Oh. That's good. Glad she's enjoying herself🙂 :Tessa

Ian: Yeah she loves it here. This was her home for so long so I definitely can tell she's very comfortable here.

Yeah, it was my home too🙂 I miss it more than anything in the world right now. :Tessa

Ian: You can come anytime, you know. I would invite your right now but I know you have the Critics Choice Awards tomorrow. Are you excited?

I mean, it is my first nomination for a movie role so of course I'm excited. But honestly, I'm SUPER nervous. :Tessa

Ian: I know you'll do great Tessa. Win, or lose, your family is here for you.

Thanks🙂 Heh, you know, I can't lie, I wish you were here with me right now to help get me through this. :Tessa

Ian: The anxiety?

The everything. Pregnancy, anxiety, just everything. We may have had our fair share of disagreements, Ian, but one things for sure: you always knew the right things to say at the right times when I needed you the most. :Tessa

Ian: I always have your back. I always will. That'll never change.

Ian you're already in a new relationship. I put myself in a very complicated and confusing one. The divorce will be finalized in a couple of months. After that, we're nothing but co-parents to each other. You may not believe it now, but it WILL change. It always does. :Tessa

Ian: I never wanted this Tessa. I wanted to work it out. I wanted my family.

Yet you still left through that door. Your pregnant wife and only daughter wanted you to spend their last moments with them before they left for months. I gave you the choice. You left. I love you, Ian, I always will, but I will NEVER forgive you for that. You shattered my heart into pieces. It's not fair. :Tessa

Ian: Would we have still been together if I stayed?

Would you still be sneaking around to hang out with Nikki? :Tessa

Ian: I don't know.

I don't know? Oh my God, Ian, you know what, forget it. I can't do this, not again. Have a good day and I'll see you in a couple of weeks. :Tessa

Ian: Tessa, please, don't!


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