Phone Call • part 545

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Tessa: Hey! Sorry it took so long to answer you back, the set has been crazy busy.

Ian: Oh, no, don't worry. I was just calling to check up on you.

Tessa: I'm alright. *sigh* I've just been feeling a few contractions lately. My doctor says it's Braxton Hicks Contractions which are totally normal. I have also been feeling a ton of discomfort, my sleep level is almost at zero.

Ian: God, I'm so sorry. You're so strong, Tess. I could never deal with pregnancy symptoms.

Tessa: Yeah. I'm just glad you're coming tomorrow. Casey has been staying over every now and then to help me take care of Selena and watch me in case something was to happen.

Ian: Well that's good, I couldn't forgive myself if anything were to happen to you all by yourself.

Tessa: Yeah. *frowns* So how's it going with you and Nikki? Any plans for Valentine's Day?

Ian: Considering that I'll be in New York on Valentine's Day, no we don't have any plans.

Tessa: *gasps* What? But I thought you were only staying for a week.

Ian: I changed my mind. I would much rather spend Valentine's Day with my daughter and my wife.

Tessa: *blushes through the phone* That's sweet. But, you know, she is kinda your girlfriend. I feel bad stealing you from her since we're in the midst of getting a divorce.

Ian: I know. *frowns* But you are my family, Tess. The minute our daughter came into this world, you were a part of my family. Nothing on a sheet of paper can change that.

Tessa: Heh, I forgot how much of a sweet talker you were.

Ian: For you, always.

Tessa: Hey, I, uh...I never got to thank you for what happened in France. If it weren't for you I probably would've been in jail for murder charges.

Ian: *laughs* Yeah. I never struck you as the violent type. But you had every right to be angry. They were extremely disrespectful.

Tessa: My father's family has always been twisted like that. Eight siblings and not one talks to my father. I have no idea how two saints can create such animals.

Ian: I thank God everyday that my family is so incredible.

Tessa: They really are. Sometimes having my own last name triggers me to my core. If it weren't for my dad and grandparents I would've changed it to Perez a long time ago. *chuckles* Sometimes I get mad that my mom gave both Alex and Jessica Perez in their name and not me.

Ian: Wait what are their full names?

Tessa: Jessica's is Jessica Monique Perez Rose and Alex's is Alejandro Jean Perez Rose.

Ian: So where did you get May?

Tessa: From the month I was born, I assume. Selena is obviously after the Mexican singer, but I wonder why my mom didn't want to put her last name in my name.

Ian: That's a good question you should ask her one day.

Tessa: Yeah, I definitely will. *brief pause* *sighs* So, I talked to my producer this morning, I was talking to him about my symptoms and given the fact I had Selena premature, he's giving me the next two weeks off.

Ian: That's great, Tessa!

Tessa: He also said that if I need periodic breaks throughout the rest of my pregnancy, just to let him know.

Ian: Wow, that's awesome! You know some producers are very strict with that. And how about maternity leave? How long are they giving you?

Tessa: 12 weeks.

Ian: 3 months? That's it?

Tessa: Unfortunately. I am the main character so 12 weeks is actually pushing it a little.

Ian: And, so you're planning on having the baby there in New York?

Tessa: I think so. I mean, my job is here and my parents are in Toronto for the next month so I'm not going to stay in that big house all by myself with my grandma. What if something happens to me? She can't pick me up.

Ian: Okay. Well that means that I'll be doing a lot of travelling for the next few months until the baby can go on a plane.

Tessa: Sorry, I know it'll be hard but we both have demanding jobs so it won't be easy.

Ian: I know. *frowns* I'm just worried about you all the time. It's so hard being here and you're all the way over there.

Tessa: Yeah. But it's okay. We'll be together tomorrow and at least I can try and catch more sleep with Selena being taken care of.

Ian: Definitely. Okay, I won't keep you any longer. Have a good night, Tess.

Tessa: You too. Please text me when you land so I know you're safe.

Ian: *laughs* Of course.

Tessa: See you. Good night.

Ian: Good night.

End of Call.

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