Messages • part 484

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Hubby❤️: come home.

I'm staying on set. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: I'm not asking you, I'm telling you.

Excuse you? You don't tell me what to do. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Tessa I've been here for almost a week and we haven't even said a word to each other.

Isn't walking by each other at my home enough? :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Tessa we're married, I'm your husband.

And? Aren't you too busy with your little girlfriend to care about me? :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: You're the one to talk🙄 What about Casey, your little boyfriend?

Touché. Well, I can easily admit that he's been there for me way more than you. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: You're so immature, you know that?

I'm 10 years younger than you, so sorry that I'm not acting like a grandma yet. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Are you seriously calling me old?🤦

Were you calling me immature? :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: This is NOT a healthy relationship dynamic, not anymore.

Not my fault you showed up here with her. I was perfectly ready to take you in again, fix whatever miscommunication there was. But YOU brought another girl here. You put this upon yourself Ian. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: She needed a place to stay! We were on the same flight and I offered for her to stay with us.

And you didn't think to ask your wife first?! That is MY home your sleeping in, not yours. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: yes, it was stupid on my part and I'm sorry but you're blowing this way out of proportion! Even the fans are starting to know that there's something wrong.

Why the fuck do you care so much about what the fans think or say? Did you try to think about how I felt when you showed up at my house with that woman? After everything she did to our relationship, I thought you knew better. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Why are you only having a problem with this now? We were all friends just a month ago.

I forgave her for YOU. Because I love YOU. Non of this was for her. I'm letting her stay in my house for YOU. Everything I do is FOR YOU IAN! :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: I know Tess and I appreciate it, I appreciate you so much.

Then fucking show it to me! You haven't kissed me in over a month! You haven't even texted me an I love you since our argument before the VMA's . So  what is this Ian? Because this DOES NOT look like a marriage, not anymore. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: This long distance is killing our marriage.

What if we rushed into this marriage? I mean think about it, we got pregnant six months into a relationship. We got back together, got married another a little over half a year after that...we did everything in a year and a half. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Tessa...don't even say that.

But what if it's true? Ian there has to be a reason why we've been fighting so much. I mean if you think about it, we've spent more time fighting this whole summer than actually had a normal conversation. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Yes, I know, but why? Are you not happy?

How can someone be happy if all they do with their spouse is fight? Ian we haven't been intimate for well over a month now. Maybe if you didn't bring your little friend here then we wouldn't have gotten into another fight. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Tessa you know damn well I've been home ALONE with Selena while I've been here. Nikki has been busy running around New York during the day.

Yes, but in the evening and at night, she's there when I'm there. I only get home in the evenings too so what time do I have alone with my family?

Hubby❤️: Tessa it doesn't matter who is with you, your family is your family.

Okay but must I remind you that, that woman is the reason why our family almost completely fell apart before it even began. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: She's changed. You know that.

Doesn't matter Ian. I don't trust her. Like I said, I only forgave her, for you.  :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: You have barely said one word to her since we've been here.

And don't I have the right to? :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Why do you always do this? You just LOVE picking fights with me. Im trying to negotiate things with you and your sarcasm is not helping.

Ian listen to me: Tomorrow you're leaving NY. You will take Selena with you like we discussed for two weeks and then I'll go over to Georgia since I have to film the goodbye scene for TVD. I'll stay there for another couple of weeks and then im coming back here with Selena. This is how it's gonna be. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Tessa...come back with me to Georgia. Back to OUR home. So we can be a family for a little while longer. We don't need to do this whole co-parenting thing.

Go back to Georgia on the same plane with her? Do you know how much crazier the media will be if they think I'm okay with whatever is going on between you you know how much hate I'll get?

Hubby❤️: are you saying that I'm cheating on you?

Am I? No. Is that a possibility? Yes. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: You're unbelievable. Accusing your own husband of cheating.

I just said I'm not saying you are! I'm saying that despite my faith in you, it's always a possibility. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: I could say the same about you and Casey. I've never even met the guy, and I'm supposed to trust him around my wife?

Well if I let you hang around Nikki then you're sure as hell going to let me hang around him. It works both ways. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Well then don't try saying that there's something going on between Nikki and I if nothing is going on between you and him.

Again, never said that. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Be at your Airbnb tomorrow morning to say goodbye to us.

I will. I wouldn't let my daughter leave without a kiss. And I'll make sure to give you the bags of breast milk for her to drink while I'm gone. :Tess💍

Hubby❤️: Okay. Have a good night.

You too. Give Selena a kiss for me. Make sure you change her diaper right before you go to bed. 

Hubby❤️: I will.

Parenthood~ Continuation of Love Conquers All Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt