IRL /Messages • part 515

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knock. knock. knock.

"Fuck! Fuck! Shit!"

With my feet rushing on the dark hardwood floors, I wobble over to the condo door and unlock it.

They're here.

I whip the door open, for some reason feeling very anxious.

There stood Ian with a small, light brown-haired, icy blue-eyed, gorgeous baby who happens to be my little munchkin.

"Selena!" I squeal, opening my arms wide.

She lets out the cutest giggly cheer as she tries pushing herself off of Ian to go into my arms. With a big smile on his lips, Ian hands her to me and I pepper my baby girl with big, big kisses.

"How's my favourite pregnant lady doing?" Ian asks as he steps into the apartment.

"Could be better, could be worse." I shrug, holding Selena by my hip. I watch him roll his luggage, and Selena's inside.

"Same here," Ian huffs tiredly. "Thankfully Selena slept the whole flight but I couldn't get any sleep because I was scared of leaving her by herself."

I close the door behind him. "Well if you'd like, you can go to the guest room and take a nice nap in there. I could take care of Sel now."

Ian takes off his leather jacket, draping it over the couch. "No, no, I'll be fine. I just wanna spend some time with my girls now."

"Your girls, huh?" I giggle. So far so good. We haven't made it this long without a fight...that's a good sign, right?

"Yeah," Ian smiles nervously down at me. "My girls."

I laugh raising my brows. "Alright," I motion towards the two couches. "Make yourself at home. Can I get you something to drink? Water? Juice? I think I have some beer, I bought some for whenever friends come over."

"Water's good, thanks." He gives me a tight-lipped smile.

I nod heading over to the white kitchen just across the room. "So," I start as I open the fridge, attempting to make conversation. "How're things going with Nikki?"

"Good, good," Ian says from the couch. "She's been great with Selena. It's nothing like being with her mom but Sel seems to get along with her."

"Mm," I nod, pursing my lips as I take a water bottle from the fridge. "That's nice."

Okay, I know there's some attitude in my tone, and yes it's intended, but I'm happy for him. I think.

"How about Casey?" Ian asks as I walk back over to the living space. "You two looked pretty cozy at the premiere."

"Barely," I roll my eyes before handing him the bottle. "I tried my best to keep my distance from him when the cameras were around. I'm sure you and I are both not ready to have the media come after us for trying to move on."

"Yeah, that's true." Ian nods, twisting the cap. "People are gonna go bonkers when they find out."

"Yup," I sigh, plopping myself on the couch across from him, placing Selena on my thighs, facing her to her dad. "But yeah, he's a really great guy. He's incredibly helpful."

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