The Contest

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Diana's POV: 


At 7:30 am I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm on my phone. With tired eyes, I picked up my phone and turned it off. Damn it, I thought. Another dream about Smosh! 

I get out of bed and start picking out what I'll wear today. I look in my closet and decided quickly. My "What the Firetruck!" tank top, shorts and black converse. I look in the mirror and smile. Would Ian think I looked good if he saw me in this? I frown and shake that thought out of my head. I would never have a chance to meet him or Anthony. So might as well get that thought out of my head as soon as possible. 

Let me introduce myself. My name is Diana. I'm 20 years old. And as you may have noticed, I love Smosh. They are the best channel and people ever! I watch all their videos. They know how to light up my day. Watching their videos helped me through a hard time of my life. Subscribing, following and watching their videos is a "Thank you!" from me. I would love to meet them so badly. But living in Puerto Rico isn't exactly easy driving distance to see them. I sigh. If I only had a chance to see them once. I smile. Can't go through the day upset. It just started. 

I look at my calendar. Monday, June 17, 2013. I leave my room with my laptop under my arm. I arrive at the kitchen to see my mom and dad there. 

"Good morning." I say happily. 

"Good morning" They say back tiredly. I smile at them. Neither of them are morning people. 

And just like any other morning I put my laptop on the table, go to the kitchen, grab a bowl and serve myself some cereal. Simple and yummy. That's how I like it. I sit at the table across from my mom. I open my laptop and type in my password. I was going to check YouTube, but I felt eyes on me... 

"What?" I say, looking at my mom. 

"It's funny how you have a routine every morning." She smiles. I smile back, taking a bite from my cereal. 

"I'd rather not stress myself out by overdoing it." I explain. "It's been a while since I've felt calm and happy." 

"Why is that?" She asks with curiosity in her eyes. "I'm not sure. But all I know is that I have a good feeling about today." I smile proudly. 

"That's great." She says happily. 

My mom is great. She listens. She can tell if something good or bad. She knows how to help and I can always count on her. 

ANYWAYS, I almost forgot about YouTube. I click on Google Chrome and quickly typed in "". I see that there's a new video on IanH with the title "Get Your Dancing Shoes On!" Obviously I clicked on it. 

The video starts with Anthony and Ian dancing crazy. I laugh. Not even a second passes before I start laughing. I thought to myself. All of a sudden they stop, look into the camera and act embarrassed. "Well...this is awkward." Says Anthony quietly. Then Ian speaks up, "Well maybe for YOU. I was amazing!" I smile. Ian was my personal favorite. 

"Shut up, Ian! Can we just start with this?!" say Anthony, trying not to laugh. 

"Sure." Ian says laughing shyly. "So we were thinking a lot. And since you guys and girls have done so much for us, we've decided to give back. And in a BIG way." 

Anthony speaks up, "Yea, so starting on Wednesday we'll have a contest. The person who can do the best Smosh dance for us using OUR songs will win an amazing prize." 

"To sum it all up in this video; we'll mention the prizes and the deadline. The rest will be in, and PLEASE read the rules thoroughly to understand it better." Ian mentions. I'm already bouncing in my seat. While my parents just look at me worriedly, I ignore it. JUST TELL US ALREADY! 

"There will be 10 winners. The 2nd through 10th place wins the minor, but special, prize. They will win a signed poster from us!" Anthony smiles happily. That doesn't sound bad. 

"And the grand prize is..." Ian pauses for effect, barely containing himself. "...going to win a trip to see and be with us for a month!" 

I gasp loudly. I can't even grasp what they just said. A MONTH!? WITH THEM!? 

"Yes! And not just that, but they also get to guest star in all of our videos! Mailtime, Lunchtime, Ian is Bored, Gametime, Game Bang and Smosh!" Anthony exclaims. 

Ian adds in, "So the contest starts this Wednesday, June 19 and ends Friday, June 28. So start working because we'll announce the winners on Saturday, June 29. The rest of the rules are in, where we'll leave a link below. Have fun!" 

"And may the best dancer win!" They said at the same time. The video ends. 

I stay quiet, processing mode activated. 

"Diana?" My dad calls out. 

"Huh?" I say quietly. 

"Are you okay? You've been staring at the screen like it took your candy." My mom says. 

"I need to enter that contest." I say quietly, looking at them. "Not because I have a sure belief that I'll win, but because it might be my chance to try something I've wanted to have for so long." 

"What are you talking about?" They say at the same time. 

For the next half hour I explain everything to them; the contest, the prize, the rules and Smosh. They just look at me with no expression on their faces. But I know what they're thinking, "What about money, where will you stay and how do you know if you'll win?" My mom asks suddenly. I knew it. 

"Lend me the money, PLEASE. I'll pay back every cent I take. And you read the rules. The grand prize is for 18 and older. I can stay with them. Hello! 20 year old here! I'll pay the flight. I know how to spend money responsibly. And I don't know if I'll win, but at least I know that I tried." I say breathlessly. Pleading them with my eyes. It's not like I need their permission. It's the money. 

My parents look at each other, having a silent argument between each other. They both sigh, "Fine." Mom says. "But on one condition, IF you win this, you'll have to work with us at the store. Making up the money you took from us." 

"Okay!" I jumped up and hugged them tight. This is too exciting! I need to brainstorm now. What song?! How to dance?! Oh the possibilities! 

Ian's POV: 

The video was up, the tweets and comments were flooding in like crazy. Sure some were upset that the grand prize was limited to 18 and older, but it was reasonable. The others will have signed posters from us, some people would kill for that. 

"How are the reactions from the fans?" Anthony asks, coming in the computer room while holding Kalel's hand. He sits down on the chair while pulling her down on his lap. I look away. I'm happy for them, but it's still awkward. 

"Hi, Kalel." I smile. "Hi, Ian." She says back, smiling. 

"So?" Anthony looks at me questionably. "Most of them are good. They're all excited. On Wednesday, we'll be having dancing videos on our screen in no time." I laugh, but still dreading it. I'm going to be so exhausted. But it's for the fans. I smile. The things we do for our fans. 

"Yea..." Anthony chuckles. "Can't wait for that." He says sarcastically. "Hush, Anthony. It's for the fans." Kalel says while hitting him lightly on the shoulder. 

I laugh at them. I know they'll make it far. I just hope I can find someone like that too. I thought I had her, but I was wrong. Stop, Ian. Be happy. Good things will come soon. You'll see. I thought. I put a smile on my face. No turning back now. It will all be okay.

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