Chapter 58: Practice

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"The raid on the underground dance club known as 'Uprising' that occurred three weeks ago has caused an uproar in Osaka, as well as across the internet. The club was charged on the account of unlicensed selling of goods and tax fraud. The owner of the club has not yet been found and goes by the name 'Great King'. There are still many associates of the club still at large, including members of the dance groups known as 'Manic', 'Relentless' and 'Fantasia'. On more recent events, the underground club Uprising has entered the light, performing a routine that disrupted a local university's sporting sign-ups just this afternoon. Video clips of the performance taken by witnesses show that all six members of Manic, as well as the few members of Fantasia and Relentless who are still at large, participated in this dangerous display. An unknown dancer also made their debut in the performance, going by the name 'Insanity' - as seen on the club's still-active YouTube channel. If you have any information on where to find these delinquents, or what their intentions are, please contact Osaka Police Department. Stay safe and do what's right. Good evening, Osaka."

Atsumu sifted through his wardrobe while the song What the Hell by Avril Lavigne blasted through his headphones, even so, the words of the reporter replayed over and over in his head. He had watched the evening news report with Suna and Osamu, and he was giddy with excitement by the time it ended.

Their performance had the impact on the public they wanted. They were questioning Uprising's reasoning for breaking the surface and performing were everyone could see them and potentially call the police on them.

What they wanted was the freedom to dance and express themselves without the authorities trying to cage them down. Until they got that, they would continue their wreaking of havoc in the form of massive spectacles that the public couldn't ignore. They would get their message across.

Atsumu grumbled to himself, searching for a specific pair of Nike sneakers that he wanted to wear for Uprising's next appearance. He had nearly given up when there was a knock on his door.

"Come in!" Atsumu called, and he heard his door open.

"Tsumu?" Suna called into the room, "I wanted to ask- What are you doing?" He asked, cutting off his previous question.

Atsumu sighed, "I'm jus' lookin' for somethin'," he answered.

Suna blinked, "I can see that. Do you need help?"

Atsumu shook his head, "Nah. What were ya gonna ask 'bout?"

Suna stepped into the closet, clicking his phone off and slipping it into his pocket, "It doesn't matter," he brushed off, "What are you looking for?"

Atsumu sat on the floor of his closet, surrounded by a mess of clothes, and sighed, "I'm lookin' for a specific pair of shoes," he answered.

Suna nodded, "Alright. What do they look like?"

Atsumu thought for a moment, "Uh... Nike. High-top, matte black with metallic black accents... Oh, an' it's covered in white paint specks," he answered, describing the sneakers, "I think they're in a white Adidas shoe box."

Suna began to search before he paused, "Wait, you only wear Nike and Converse, so why do you have an Adidas shoe box??"

Atsumu rolled his eyes, "Sweat the details, Sunarin."

"Noted," Suna replied and continued his search.

It wasn't long before he spotted the described shoe box on the top shelf, hidden under a sparkly semi-transparent black material, and reached up to grab it. The box came down easily, but something that was clearly sitting on top of the box before Suna took it down toppled down as well.

The object landed with a clatter against the wooden flooring of the closet and they both just stared at it.

Suna had recognized it instantly and was just frozen in disbelief. Meanwhile, panic began to rise in Atsumu - Suna knew, so it wouldn't be long before Osamu found out.

Atsumu began to shake, snapping Suna out of his stupor. Suna immediately stepped forward and crouched down in front of him. Atsumu's hands clutched at his hair in a vice-like grip, and Suna tried to gently prise them away, before they could do any damage, to no avail.

"Shit," Suna hissed, "Hey, Tsumu. Look at me," he commanded gently, only for Atsumu to shake his head.

Suna bit his lower lip, "You're okay, Tsumu," he tried, "You're safe."

When his attempts held no signs of working, he got up quickly, "I'm gonna call, Samu," he informed, "Stay here-"

Before Suna could finish his sentence, Atsumu had grabbed his wrist. Atsumu was shaking his head wildly with wide fearful eyes.

"He- He doesn't know," Atsumu choked out, "'Bout...that," his gaze drifted to the object lying innocently on the floor, and Suna swore under his breath.

Suna crouched down again, "Is there anyone who knows and would also know how to handle this??"

Atsumu nodded, though he was still struggling to breathe, "Y-Yaku."

Suna immediately grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed a number, "Come on, come on..." He murmured as the phone rang.

There were two rings before the call connected.

"Lev," Suna greeted before Lev could answer, "Put Yaku on the phone."

"What? How do you know he's here-"

"Just do it," Suna cut him off through gritted teeth.

There was a rustle heard, and then Yaku's voice was heard through the phone.

"Suna? What's wrong?" Yaku asked quickly.

"It's Atsumu. He's having a panic attack and I can't calm him down," Suna informed briefly, "He told me to call you."

"Lev and I are on our way," Yaku answered instantly, "Do you know what set it off?"

Suna hesitated, "I was helping him look for something and I found something I think I shouldn't have," he explained, "I found a mask... He said you know about it?"

"Yeah," Yaku answered, "I'll be right there."

With that, the phone was put down and Suna could only sit down next to Atsumu and hope that Osamu didn't come upstairs before Yaku arrived.

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Ask me a question, any question, and I will answer, unless it's too personal, because then I won't answer 😛

Anygays, bye!

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Spray-paint and Skateboards (SakuAtsu Dancer AU) Where stories live. Discover now