Chapter 49: Back Again

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"You all know what time it is!!" Hero shouted and the crowd cheered like there was no tomorrow.

"Round one of competitive Uprising, week two is a go!" Ice announced.

"Hit it, Mimi!" Hero directed with a wild sort of excitement.

The song Sweet Melody by Little Mix came over the speakers suddenly, and almosy the entire Manic crew took a step back as Atsumu and Yaku stepped into the middle of the stage before any of the members of Fantasia could.

Fantasia was a team fully made up of girls and tonight Atsumu was going to let out his frustrations and show the world that a guy can wear the same thing a woman can and rock it just as well as a woman wearing more masculine clothing can.

Yaku and Atsumu got into position and the crowd quietened down for their performance.

(First duo:
Blonde hair = Yaku
Ponytail = Atsumu)

Atsumu and Yaku were opening the stage that evening with a simple yet not-so-simple duet that only two people of their physical prowess and ability could achieve, and while Yaku's split wasn't quite as wide as Atsumu's, they still got the crowd to go wild.

They played back and forth with one another on the stage, easily dramaticising their performance with the chemistry built up from years of being friends.

When they had finished, the crowd was cheering so loud that Atsumu could barely hear his own thoughts. Yaku turned to him and jumped up and down on one spot, and Atsumu could tell that he was ecstatic.

"We did so well, Wildcard!!" He shouted excitedly.

Atsumu nodded rapidly in reply, right before Bokuto appeared behind him and crouched low. Bokuto hooked an arm around the back of Atsumu's thighs and heaved him up onto his shoulder.

Atsumu wobbled for a second, but he stabilized himself quickly and began to laugh. However, Bokuto lowered him and they all stepped back right as Fantasia began their performance.

"That was wild, wasn't it, Hero?" Ice asked with a grin in his voice when Fantasia had finished.

"You said it, Ice!" Hero agreed with a smug nod before he turned back to the crowd, "Now, you all know what time it is..."

"It's voting time!!!" Ice announced enthusiastically.

"So get out your phones and vote for the team whose performance you loved the most!" Hero directed.

The crowd quietened down as everyone grabbed their phones and casted their votes.

Ice listened intently to his communication device in his ear before he turned to the camera, "It seems that all the votes are in!" He whisper-shouted into his microphone, "So let's get those scores revealed!" He shouted as he gestured with his hand pointed towards the screen underneath the club owner's view deck.

The screen lit up with a poll and everyone in the club held their breath in anticipation of the results. The polls began to rise with votes until eventually the results ended with Manic coming victorious with sixty-two percent of the votes.

"Just like that, Manic just scrapes ahead with sixty-two percent of the votes!!" Hero announced.

"I think we're in for a good competition this Friday, Hero," Ice admitted.

Hero laughed and nodded, "I don't know about you, but I'm excited!" He agreed.

"Let's get onto round two, then, shall we?" Ice suggested, his tone anything but innocent, and Hero just giggled, the reddening of his cheeks hidden behind his black facial mask.

"Hit it, Mimi!" Hero shouted and the song Youngblood by 5 Seconds of Summer filled the air of the main stage area.

The Manic crew stepped back to allow Fantasia the space of the stage. It wasn't long before they were finished and the crowd was going ecstatic with the anticipation of Manic's performance.

Yaku took a step back to allow his team the stage, a smirk behind his mask, and Atsumu, Bokuto, Komori, Kuroo and Akagi got into position.

(First group:
Red bandana in pocket = Bokuto
Ginger hair = Akagi
Converse sneakers = Kuroo
White sneakers = Komori
Longsleeves = Atsumu)

For this round, Manic's performance was slightly longer. It was also more dynamic with Komori and Kuroo stepping out and then back in as Atsumu and Akagi stepped out in time with them coming back in. Their movements were completely on point and every single step was on beat.

Yaku pursed his lips and crossed his fingers behind his back as he watched from the sidelines. The choreography was high-energy and it relied heavily on timing and cues – one out of timed move or wrong step could cause the whole thing to flop. Yaku had faith, however. This was Manic, their pride and joy, and he knew that his team wouldn't ever even think of letting him down.

That statement stood strong all the way up until the very end of their performance, when they finished and the crowd went absolutely feral.

"Holy..." Ice's voice trailed off, lost in thought.

"Couldn't agree more," Hero said with a deadpan tone of voice, "That was insane."

"Took the words right out of my mouth..." Ice muttered before he cleared his throat, "Well, then! It seems like Manic is really bringing the heat this week," he commented when he regained his composure.

"They sure are!" Hero agreed, "And now it's time for our second round of votes, so get those phones out and get to voting!!"

The main stage area was filled with a light buzz as the crowds discussed and began to place their votes. It wasn't long before the screen lit up with a new poll that steadily began to rise with the results.

"And it seems like..." Ice began but paused while he waited for the votes to finish, "That Manic has won once again with eighty-three percent of the votes!!" He announced and the crowd went wild.

"It seems that they're really living up to their title as the reigning champions of Uprising," Hero commented, "The fan-favorite uncrowned kings of dance strike again, but can they keep their lead until the end?" He asked mischievously.

Ice grinned behind his facial mask, before he turned directly to the camera, "It's time for round three!!"

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Wee woo wee woo 🚓

Anygays! Bye!!

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