Chapter 12: Blazing Dragon

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They walked into the back room and were met with the sleek black and white interior of T&T's Tats. Three tattoo chairs were sat up in front of large floor-length mirrors and the area was clean and well-lit.

"So, Kiyoomi-kun, you finishing up that tattoo today?" Terushima asked with a lopsided smile.

Sakusa nodded, "Gladly," he answered.

"And you, Toya-Toya?" Terushima asked, turning to Komori.

Komori chuckled, "Ah, I've got a custom design by our little Tsumu," he replied.

Tendou raised his eyebrows, "Oh!! Lemme see! Lemme see!" He asked excitedly.

Atsumu handed him the page with the weasel design and he smiled widely, "Moto-Moto-kun, you're with me~" He announced mischievously, "There's no way I'm passing up an opportunity to ink this!" He added.

Terushima furrowed his brows and peeked over his shoulder, chuckling when he saw the design, "Damn, Foxy! You've really upped your game," he complimented, causing Atsumu to blush and look away, "I take it that you're doing a custom design as well?"

Atsumu nodded, "Mhm! And I brought some more designs for the shop," he informed, handing Terushima the sketchbook.

Terushima flicked through the book, "Wow, Foxy, darling..." He breathed, wetting his lips lightly with his tongue as Sakusa's burning glare went unnoticed, "These are incredible, but I assume that there's a specific one you want inked?"

Once again, Atsumu nodded, and handed the other drawing and Terushima grinned when he studied it, "Oh, hell, yeah! You're with me, honey," he said as he hooked an arm over Atsumu's shoulder.

Tendou pouted, "Wait, I want to see!"

Terushima showed him the sketch and Tendou's jaw fell, "Damnit!" He whined, "No offense Moto-Moto-kun, but that looks so cool!!"

Komori chuckled, "None taken, Ten," he answered.

"Okay!" Terushima said, gaining everyone's attention, "Toya-Toya, go with Ten to his station, Foxy go take a seat at my station, and Kiyo, I'll go call Eita. You can head over to his station so long."

Sakusa nodded, though his jaw clenched at the sight of Terushima's arm around Atsumu.

They all went to their allocated stations while Terushima went to call the third person who worked in the tattoo parlor.

Semi Eita, a third year music student at their university, walked out of the break room not too long after Terushima returned to the parlor room.

Semi was tall and strong-built with toned muscle. His fluffy grey hair was tipped with black and hung messily over his lightly tanned forehead. Steely grey eyes fixed with a sharp impassive stare scanned the room and stopped when his eyes landed on Sakusa.

Semi walked over to Sakusa, nodding in greeting to Atsumu and Komori. He was wearing the uniform of the shop with plain black Adidas sneakers.

"Hey, Sakusa, you ready to finish that tatoo?" He asked as he pulled on a pair of black disposable gloves.

Sakusa nodded and pulled his hoodie and shirt off at the same time. Atsumu, who was watching their interaction, felt his heart skip a beat.

Atsumu knew that Sakusa had a lot of tattoos, but he'd never taken the time to actually look at them.

Both of his arms were covered with tattoos. A maelstrom of different patterns and images swirled in black ink across his pale skin.

The image of an almost burnt-out candle rose from his left wrist and sent swirls of smoke up his arm that morphed into two doves at his shoulder. The pattern mixed seamlessly into a honeycomb-like cage that spread across his broad chest with a hidden skull behind the bars of the cage. The pattern morphed at his right shoulder into the beak of a blazing phoenix surrounded by flowers, its tail feathers transitioning into scales at his right wrist.

Spray-paint and Skateboards (SakuAtsu Dancer AU) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن