Chapter 47: Insanity

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"O-Omi?" Atsumu called hesitantly, weary of dark look in Sakusa's eyes.

So far, Sakusa had been completely gentle with him, and he was still careful when he cupped Atsumu's cheek in his hand and pressed their lips together. Atsumu melted into the soft kiss and Sakusa curled his free hand around his lower back.

The kiss was slow and sweet, and Atsumu felt safe in Sakusa's strong hold. When Sakusa finally pulled away, he smiled - proud and genuine - and Atsumu's heart skipped a beat.

Sakusa rested his forehead against Atsumu's, "I'm so sorry," he apologized.

"What...?" Atsumu questioned.

Sakusa let go of him and stepped back to run a hand through his hair, "Motoya and I were in a lecture and then he got a message from Akagi saying that someone was messing with you. He said that you were fine but he was worried because the girl looked very angry," he took a breath, "We left our lecture and made out way to the visual arts studio and then I saw you defending yourself, and you were doing so well but then she grabbed that bottle and I panicked slightly, because it was clear from what you were saying that I was the main reason as to why she approached you, and I... I'm sorry that you had to go through that because of my career," he finished.

Atsumu stared at him in disbelief, "Omi..." He called but Sakusa was too trapped in his own whirlwind of thoughts to hear him, so Atsumu stepped forward to grab Sakusa by his shoulders, "Omi! Look at me!" He commanded.

Sakusa's eyes were on him in an instant, and Atsumu smiled softly as he let his hands drift up to cup Sakusa's cheeks, "There ya are... Hey," he called, leaning up onto the tips of his toes and placing a light kiss on Kiyoomi's nose, "It's not yer fault."

"But-" Sakusa started, but Atsumu cut him off with a soft press of his lips against Sakusa's.

Sakusa's hands gripped onto his waist as Atsumu pulled away from him and looked at him, proud that his plan to shut Sakusa up worked, "Kiyoomi," he called seriously before his voice softened, "It's not yer fault. Okay?"

Sakusa stared at him wide-eyed, before he surged forwards and pulled Atsumu into his chest. He hugged him tightly while Atsumu just allowed it, because he realized that Sakusa was shaking.

"When she picked up that bottle, I-" Sakusa gulped, his voice cracking.

Atsumu swallowed and nodded knowingly. She was going to throw it, and if the paint thinner had hit him, it would have been very bad, especially since it would have gotten in his eyes and mouth. However, Sakusa had caught her wrist before she could do anything.

"But ya saved me, Omi," Atsumu pointed out, softly running his fingers through Sakusa's curly hair, "She couldn't do anythin' to me 'cause ya were there to stop her."

Atsumu felt Sakusa's breathing slow down as he calmed and his grip around Atsumu's waist relaxed slightly.

"I love you," Sakusa stated quietly.

Atsumu bit his bottom lip and tightened his hold on Sakusa, "I love ya too," he answered.

They stayed there, in a comfortable silence for a while before Sakusa pulled back and moved his hand up to fix Atsumu's hair, "Can we go home? Or, can I take you back to my house?" He asked, "I know you don't have any more lectures today and I don't either. We can watch a movie or something before I have to go to training, I just..."

Atsumu watched quietly as Sakusa sighed heavily before he continued, "I just don't want to leave you right now," he reasoned.

Atsumu's eyes softened instantly, "'Course, Omi," he replied before he intertwined their fingers, "I don't really wanna stay here either," he admitted.

Sakusa smiled and he led Atsumu to his car after texting Komori about their plans to go home. The car ride was quiet but comfortable with the song Stand Out Fit In by ONE OK ROCK playing in the background.

When they got to the Komori residence, Sakusa unlocked the door and stood back to let Atsumu enter first. After they both showered, separately, since Sakusa wanted to get the girl's germs off of him and Atsumu still had paint all over his arms, Sakusa set up his laptop on his bed to watch the movie Ready or Not, and they went to make some popcorn.

Finally, they sat down next to each other on the bed with Atsumu leaning back against Sakusa's chest, the bowl of popcorn sitting on Atsumu's lap and Sakusa's arm wrapped around his waist. Sakusa gently ran his fingers through Atsumu's hair while they watched the movie.

"Atsu?" Sakusa called after a while, only to receive a hum in response to indicate that the blonde was listening, "You guys are performing again on Friday, right?"

"Mhm," Atsumu answered, "What 'bout it?"

"Do you think that maybe I could watch one of your performances live? Like from the crowd?" Sakusa asked hesitantly.

Atsumu seemed to think about it for a moment, "I mean, ya could always watch from the stage - if ya can dance, that is..."

Sakusa could hear the mischief in Atsumu's voice and when he looked down, he wasn't surprised to find Atsumu grinning.

Sakusa internally scoffed, "Two could play at that game," he thought.

"I'm not sure, maybe you should teach me," Sakusa replied.

"Sounds fun," Atsumu commented, "But what would yer stage name be?"

Sakusa hummed in thought, "So you're Wildcard, Bokuto is Livewire, Kuroo is Fireball, Komori is Delirium, Akagi is Frenzy, and Yaku is Hysteria... It should be something on theme..."

Atsumu scrunched his face up as he wracked his brain, "'Ecstacy'?"

Sakusa raised an eyebrow, "Nah, that doesn't suit me."

Atsumu pouted, "Uh... 'Euphoria'?" He suggested.

Sakusa grimaced, "Isn't that the name of that one series?" He asked.

Atsumu sighed, "I guess that's a no then," he commented, "Mm... What 'bout 'Insanity'?"

"Huh..." Sakusa raised both his eyebrows in surprised, "I like it."

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I have something big planned so let's hope that the dopamine doesn't clock out on me

Anygays! Bye!

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