Chapter 41: Beach Volleyball

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Sakusa could not contain his excitement when Bokuto pulled a volleyball and a net out of the trunk of Kuroo's car.

He helped Bokuto set up the net and draw lines in the sand while the others grabbed their things out of the car and set up a place to sit.

Yaku was the designated cameraman and ref, and he watched in anticipation as the others got ready to take their places on either side of the net. He had the camera in his hands, ready to record, when they took their places on the 'court'.

They were playing a three on three match. The teams were Bokuto, Atsumu and Akagi, against Sakusa, Kuroo and Komori.

They had taken off their socks and shoes and most of their accessories, so they were barefoot on the sand. Somewhere along the way, Bokuto and Kuroo had lost their shirts as well, and Sakusa hadn't put his shirt back on from the scene in the car.

Atsumu got ready to serve, taking his six steps back. It had been a while since he'd last played volleyball, but he was absolutely sure that he still had it in him to deliver his monster serves.

"Everyone ready?" Yaku asked and a series of affirmative answers followed.

(Start the song at the top)
(I Ain't Worried by One Republic)

Yaku chuckled and blew his whistle - Atsumu had no idea when he'd grabbed that. However, Atsumu chose to put those thoughts aside and took a deep breath before he tossed the ball up and ran forward. He jumped, high into the air, and his eyes zeroed in exactly where he wanted the ball to land before he hit it.

The ball shot through the air and zipped right past Komori, who'd dived to try and dig it up. The ball crashed into the sand just within the drawn lines and sprayed sand everywhere.

Atsumu smiled brightly at his service ace as Yaku blew the whistle, "One point to Tsumu's team," he called.

They passed the ball back to Atsumu who got ready to serve again. This time, however, Komori was ready for it, and he just about managed to dig it up. Sakusa was right there to cover for him and he passed it to Kuroo who was getting ready to set. Sakusa quickly twisted on his heel and ran towards the net.

Sakusa jumped high above the net and slammed the ball onto the otherside. It wasn't the best set ever, but it would do. However, right before the ball hit the sand, Akagi just managed to get it up with his foot.

Then, Atsumu was there. He crouched low, getting under the ball like no other setter could. Sakusa got ready with Kuroo to put up a double-block in front of Bokuto, but with the gift of a set that Atsumu sent him, Bokuto was easily able to manipulate his spike into an immaculate cross-court shot from the right.

Yaku blew the whistle again and this time, it was Sakusa's turn to serve. He focused on the spot he wanted the ball to land and, after Yaku blew the whistle, he tossed the ball up and ran forwards. He jumped, soaring high as his hand came crashing down onto the ball.

The power of Japan's top spiker was blasted into the ball, but was stopped by the blonde who would have taken the place for Japan's top setter had he not quit volleyball.

Atsumu received the ball perfectly, though the force sent him falling back onto the sand. Akagi was by his side in seconds, getting ready to set up the ball while Atsumu recovered. Bokuto started his run to the net, and Sakusa and Kuroo got ready to block, with Komori setting up to receive that cross-shot on the right end of the net.

Bokuto jumped and Sakusa and Kuroo jumped with him, arms up to block. Though, Sakusa spotted their mistake immediately when he caught a flash of blonde hair in the corner of his eye.

Bokuto smirked as he descended back to the ground, "And the fox takes flight," he thought to himself while he proudly watched Atsumu leap into the air.

Sakusa and Kuroo had barely touched the ground when they ran towards where Atsumu was, but they were too late.

Atsumu was the definition of beauty in Sakusa's eyes. Front where he was, on the opposite side of the net, still standing on the sand, Atsumu looked like an angel.

The sun that was high in the sky was directly behind Atsumu, casting his shadow over Sakusa and making his platinum blonde hair glow like a halo against his freckled skin. He seemed like a beacon of light in the darkness that was the world, and his golden-brown eyes glowed wildly with competitive passion.

There was a fire in Atsumu's eyes that told Sakusa that they had already lost their chances at winning. Atsumu spiked the ball out of the air, and it collided into the sand with that satisfying slam of earning a point.

Atsumu landed on the sand right before Bokuto crashed into him and scooped him up into the air, spinning him around and laughing.

The scene reminded Sakusa of the magazine cover he'd seen of Atsumu and Bokuto on a back in high school, but instead of the cold coils of jealousy it had brought back then, it was replaced with a immense sense of pride. Now, Sakusa watched Bokuto gingerly ruffle Atsumu's hair like an older brother would and wondered how he ever thought they were more than just really good friends.

Sakusa found himself laughing as he watched Atsumu squirm and struggle as he tried to get out of Bokuto's brotherly hold. Kuroo beamed next to Sakusa, laughing as Atsumu finally escaped Bokuto's hold and hid behind Akagi.

They didn't even finish the set before they switched teams to 'see if the Japan-Youth training camp players were any good', according to Bokuto.

So, with Japan's best spiker hitting the most perfect sets he could have ever had the pleasure of spiking, Atsumu still being the greatest setter Sakusa had ever met, and Komori still being the top libero Sakusa had played with, it's safe to say that their team won by a landslide.

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Sometimes I forget that these fanfics are derived from a volleyball anime and I just gotta bring it back a little

Anygays, bye!

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