Chapter 50: Spectator

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Sakusa knew he was screwed the moment Atsumu walked onto that stage with a skirt that showed off his lovely thighs and well-toned legs.

Of course, he'd found Wildcard attractive before, but now that he knew it was Atsumu – his gorgeous, talented-as-hell boyfriend – it was like his every move put a spell on him.

From the second the camera zoned in on Atsumu walking down the path up to the stage to the ending of round two, Sakusa couldn't break his eyes away from Atsumu.

He was sitting on the armchair in the twins' living room with Suna and Osamu cuddling on the opposite end of the couch and Lev intently watching the livestream with stars in his eyes.

Sakusa absently wondered if Lev knew about Manic's secret. Lev and Yaku have had their on and off friends-with-benefits thing for a while at that point. He thought Sakusa, Suna and Osamu don't know, and he was right, for the most part – Sakusa was highly perceptive, and he managed to catch the heated gazes and tension-filled air between the two.

It wasn't an unfamiliar thing to Sakusa, since he realized that he and Atsumu had the same type of relationship for the longest time. However, Sakusa didn't know whether they were more than fuck-buddies or not, and to be honest he wasn't sure if he wanted to know.

During the first round though, Sakusa had noticed that Lev's eyes looked like they wanted to pop out of his skull, so Sakusa was leaning towards the possibility that Lev did know who Manic was.

If he was honest, Sakusa had hoped that he didn't have the same expression on his face during the first round, since all he could think about was how well Atsumu was dancing, how flexible he was, how he could go into a full split, and how he looked so pretty in a skirt.

Sakusa swallowed audibly when Atsumu had gone into that split, and it had begrudgingly reminded him of high school training camps, crazed teenage hormones and hectic jealousy.

Sakusa was brought out of his thoughts by Ice announcing the start of round three after the results of round two were in. He wasn't at all surprised when Manic won the second round. They were just that good.

The song Stitches by Shawn Mendes played from the television speakers as it resonated off the walls in the club. Before Fantasia could even think of taking the stage first, Manic was already there.

(First group:
White pants = Kuroo
White cap = Bokuto
Denim jacket = Komori
Brown jacket = Akagi
Adidas track pants = Atsumu)

Their performance was shorter this round but it was no less amazing. Their commitment to every single move was unbroken, even when the entire crowd had gasped when Kuroo fell – it had been so loud and collective that it was picked up by the camera's microphone. When Atsumu and Akagi picked Kuroo up off the floor and Komori and Bokuto jumped back in for all of them to start dancing, it was like a collective sigh of relief was breathed in the club as they realized that it was all a part of the performance.

Sakusa was glad he was wearing a mask because he was smirking like an idiot throughout their entire performance.

After Manic had finished their performance, Fantasia took the stage with their choreography. Sakusa huffed a small laugh when he watched Bokuto hook an arm around Kuroo's waist while Kuroo hooked his arms around Atsumu's shoulders – the blonde was standing in front of him. They looked a bit like Atsumu's parents if Sakusa looked at it now, or protective older brothers.

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